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I looked at the two boys, "how will this work," I  asked with a devious smile forming on my face. Kun nudges Renjun who had spaced out, "papers?" Renjun quickly lays down at 2-year plan. "Most of us are in somewhat business so we can sponsor it until you no longer need it," he says. 

Examining the plan it seemed to be fitting, "I want to do skincare and fashion," I say it was exact the same thing mother's company sold and they were currently trying to do skincare.  

A few minutes later Kun leaves with a finalized plan, I was going to go over to the boy's house to make some touches. I watch as Renjun watches Kun leave, once he closes the door Renjun turns to look over at me. 

It seemed like we were looking into each other's eyes, recalling our past. "You must suffer from that day too," I tell him. He looks back at me startled but his face soon softens up, "Yes, every day when I close my eyes I see her body hanging," he says. I only saw her feet but never her body as Renjun did. 

"I see her devilish smile and her long black hair," I say walking over next to Renjun. He had tears in his eyes. It must have been hard for him to open up. "After that my parents divorced they said they wanted me to die like that lady," he says chuckling. I could he wanted to try his best not to cry. 

What would of happens if we had stayed by each other's side. "My mom reminds me of her, but she's never bothered to tell me she loved me," I say wiping Renjun's tears that were starting to fall down. 

For how long had he been suppressing this pain, he must of endured it himself. I felt him hold my hand tightly, "I wanted to die, but every time I tried something stopped me," he confesses. Just like me there was something keeping me from killing myself. 

Renjun looks at me smiling, "soon I came to realize you were the reason why I was still living," I felt a flood of tears escaping my eyes. At that moment I realized he was the reason I was still living. 

I hear Renjun chuckle, "I was looking for you, even though your pictures were all over China, guess I wasn't looking hard enough," he says making me laugh. He's grown so much if only we had kept in touch I wonder if things would have turned out differently. 

"Was I everything you hoped for," I look at him in the eyes. Part of me believed that he was hoping for someone else, "You are everything to me Fang Y/N" he walks over to me embracing me tightly.  

We were each other's missing piece in order to finally heal each other. Perhaps Kun's plan wasn't the way to break free from my mother, perhaps it was Renjun. We pull away looking at each other, it was the most I've ever seen him smile. 

In China

"Madam, she fell in love with a street boy, what do we do?" 

"Not she won't once I'm done with her she won't ever want to defy me again," 

Back to y/n

I go back to my desk and watch Renjun leave with a smile on his face, Sunghee walks back in after getting of some important phone call she had to make. "I've finished with the work now we can get the models to take the pictures," Sunghee nods grabbing her phone to call the models over to the photo station. 

Ever since the phone call she's been quiet and just doing whatever I've told her. At the photo studio, she was distant as well just ordering the models around but she spared me no glance. It made me worry if she knew about my relationship with Renjun. Out of all the people I knew she wouldn't tell my mother everything. 

Winwin was already outside waiting for me, I smile at him and get inside the car. "Did you have a good day?" he says opening the door for me. I nod my head yes. Inside the car Renjun was sitting inside on his phone. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask sitting down next to him. From the front seat, I hear Winwin "He didn't want to leave me alone with you," I chuckle while Renjun clears his throat "I speak mandarin too," he cutely glares. 

We start laughing while Winwin drives us to his home where the rest of the boys are. I look down at my phone Sunghee. 

Your mother is coming for a visit. 

My heart drops, my hands start trembling. "Winwin take me home," Winwin hesitates but nods quietly. Renjun slowly grabs my hand, "y/n you okay?" I try my best to smile and nod. "Y-yea just want to relax," I lowly say. 

Once Winwin pulls up I get out and walk into my house not sparing a glance at Renjun or Winwin. 

No one's POV

As he watched her walk into her house he couldn't help but think about the text message she received that made her so afraid. Just a few minutes ago she was so happy to be going to their home. "Her mom's probably coming," Winwin says pulling into their driveway. 

Her mother from the way everyone spoke of her one thing was clear she was pure evil. They walked into the house. Doyoung who was watching TV looks up at them expecting y/n to be with them but his smile faded once he saw that she wasn't with them. 

"Y/n?" Jungwoo walks in from his room, "She went home something came up," Renjun says coldly. One thing he knew was that Jungwoo was in the way to make y/n his. Hendery rushes in getting his keys and putting on his jacket. He seemed troubled.

"Kun i'm using your car," he says grabbing them. Winwin was already alarmed as to why he was going out so late. "Did something happen," Hendery punched the wall out of anger startling Winwin. "Y/N called me, she was crying saying she was bleeding," he quietly says alarming everyone.  If she called Hendery why didn't she call him or even Jungwoo why Hendery, Renjun thought to himself.

"That bitch she calls mom must have done it," he scowls leaving the house. They watched Hendery leave, soon everyone else was getting ready to head over there as well. 

One thing they hoped for was that they weren't too late.

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