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Everyone has their own stories, happy ones, sad ones, stories you either want to forget or remember for the rest of your life. 

For me, I rather forget those painful memories. No one even cares about my problems everyone just tells me to grow up. But when they come to me with their own problems they expect me to help them. 

Little do they know that very same people are slowly killing me. Little by little they are tearing down my heart. As if they don't realize I have my own problems to deal with, but they expect me to take care of them myself and focus on them.  

They always tell me money can solve my problems, but can they heal my wounds. Can they heal my missing pieces?


15 years ago

She held my hand smiling sweetly to me as she walked me to an old house, "Miss can I really see my father?" I asked her excitedly. At the edge of the door entrance, she kneels down nodding. "Of course he is inside waiting for you, he said he dearly missed you," her sweet voice told me. 

I tried to go inside but she stopped me, "How about we surprise him," she suggests making me excited. Not saying anything she covers my small eyes, "Don't take it off," she sweetly says before she leads me inside the house.  

As we entered it gave me the chills, feeling scared I hold the woman's hand tighter. "Now sit here and don't take it off," she sits me down on the cold hard floor. It was dead silent, I wanted to cry since I was still a small child the dark scared me. 

Sniffles escape my body before I started crying more there's a light hug. "Hush I know you are scared but I'm here," the voice of a little boy was heard. It calmed me down as I held his hand, we couldn't see each other afraid of what we might see if we took off the blindfold. 

"When can I see appa?" I ask the boy beside me. "Umm soon once that lady leaves," he responds. I nod smiling to myself knowing that I wasn't alone. I was starting to get tired, the little boy pulled me down on his lap, "you can sleep," he quietly whispers. 

The next morning the lady came back, she took off our blindfolds. "Now kids stay here and don't move," she tells us tying a rope on our hands. I wince at the tightness of the rope, the little boy next to me was in pain. 

"Be good, if not you'll get punished," she coldly says before walking out of the house. The house wasn't what I thought, it was old and dirty. "Appa isn't here," I sadly say looking down on the floor.  

The boy doesn't say anything, he hands me a small piece of candy "Sorry" he says. Days pass, we were growing hungry and needed water. One day the lady came back, throwing water and bread at our feed. 

We both open the bread with our hands tied together, feeding each other. He opens the water giving me some and I did the same for him. The door bursts open and two strangers walk in talking to the lady in the black hair. 

"Those kids," we hear one of them say. The lady laughs in an evil way, "them they are my toys my pets," she says. I hug the boy feeling scared of her. The boy touches my hair, he was crying too. When you are five years old you never expect any of this to happen.  

"Your daughter doesn't want to come," the lady in the black hair starts screaming. The boy and I flinch as we watch her throw everything and destroy everything in her path. She grabs the rope from us putting the blindfold on again. 

"I'm scared," I cry but the little boy seemed to have stop crying. "Don't be scared I'm here," he says comforting me. I wished I was as brave as he was, we both spoke mandarin so it was pretty easy to understand each other. 

We hear a chair fall, the boy starts moving pulling me along with him. He gasped but kept going, "don't take our your blindfold," he says. The sun hit my face, he takes it off smiling at me. "Let's go to my mom's house," he says walking me to his house. 

Soon we watch from his window the police arrive at the house, now I had to wait for my mother to come. Most likely my nanny was coming, mother never left work even for me. 

I watch out the window eating my apples, wearing clean clothes the little boy's dad had ran out to buy for me. He was lucky his family was together, I never met my father and mother was always at work. 

Nanny finally arrived, she hugged my small body tightly crying me as she kissed my cheeks. "Y/N sorry for not putting my eyes on you," she kneels down crying. I didn't understand why she was crying. 

The little boy walks outside with me, putting his fist out for me to bump, "My name is ----jun" I smile back at him, "Y/N" I hope our paths cross again.  


I wake up in cold sweat. That day is still so vivid in my head. 

But why can't I remember your name? 



So I got this inspiration from What's wrong with secretary Kim?  

I hope you all liked this first chapter. 

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