Chapter 21

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Niall's POV

At first I was so confused on what was happening, but after the confusion left and I felt Melissa's hand move from my arm to my thigh; I pulled away from her.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked her while wiping my mouth and standing up. She looked shocked at my reaction.

"I... Everyone says you have a crush on me." She said quietly, a deep red blush creeping on her face. Whoever this everyone is, they're wrong.

"No, I don't. I don't even know you! Can you just leave?" I told her loudly. She nodded and went to my door, but before she left she turned around and looked at me sadly.

"You're really cute, too bad you're such an ass hole." After the door shut to my room I got my phone out and called Zayn. My eyes were burning, but I refused to let any tears fall.

"Baby, are you okay?" He said immediately after the first ring. Just hearing his voice made me break down.

That was so gross. I didn't like that she just kissed me and I didn't like how she touched me. It made my skin crawl. I didn't like girls in the first place because they're just weird, but now kissing one made me not like them because they're gross.

"She kissed me! I didn't mean for it to happen then she called me a bad name!" I cried to my boyfriend. Zayn kept telling me to calm down and take deep breaths because he couldn't understand me, but all I wanted was him to hold me or be here. I continued crying until I felt I was done being freaked out over someone kissing me that wasn't my boyfriend.

"Now all I heard was someone flipped you and called you Batman. I know that's nothing to cry about so what actually happened now that you're calm." Zayn told me slowly. I went to the bathroom connected to my room and curled up in the bath tub.

"She kissed me. My dad tried to get some girl for me or something, but instead she kissed me and said that I had a crush on her. I don't!" I probably sounded like a four year old throwing a fit, but I didn't care. Sometimes I just get a frustrated with keeping how I feel in or just the fact that anything I feel just feels wrong.

"Niall, do you need me to go get you? Is she still there?" Zayn asked me, but I heard the anger seeping through his words.

"No... She's downstairs with my parents." I told him, wiping my face and going to my door to make sure no one was outside it.

"Are you going to be okay? I have to go to work, but I will go to you if you need me to." Zayn offered, but I just declined it and we said our good byes.

An hour later my mum came up to my room and sat next to me on my bed. I looked up from my book I was reading and gave her a weak smile, but she just gave me a sad head shake.

"If I would have known he was going to pull something like that, I would have said you had a serious contagious disease and couldn't be with people." She told me, but her words only made me laugh a little. She smiled and leaned back on my pillows next to me. I took her hand in mine and looked down at her ever growing baby bump.

"It's really cute." I told her, placing a hand on her stomach. She laughed and kissed my forehead.

"For being the baby of the family for so long, you're taking it well. You'll be a great big brother." I smiled at her and shrugged. I didn't really mind she's going to have a baby. I'm actually excited because I won't be alone anymore. I know that when I'm 18 I'll move out and that poor kid will be alone with my dad, but maybe if me and my mum can leave now, it won't have to. I just think that maybe this kid will be my chance to be a good sibling, better than Greg to me. But in the end, I don't really blame him for leaving and never looking back.

Sinful Love (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now