Chapter 6

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Niall's POV

While walking to school this morning I couldn't stop thanking God that I made to Friday. I was just happy that tonight I could finally sleep in a bed instead of that tiny closest covered in mirrors.

My back was so cramped up and my head was hurting like mad. I was supposed to keep my head comfortable considering I had to get stitches, but my dad wasn't done punishing me yet so I just had to use my arms as pillows. I was exhausted, but at least I get good sleep tonight.

When I walked into the school building and went to my locker I was met with a concerned looking Zayn standing right by it. I went over to him and gave him a light smile before doing my combination lock. In the corner of my eyes I saw Zayn reach a hand out to me then shove it into his pocket like he had to control himself from something.

I know I shouldn't be thinking it, but I actually wouldn't mind if he gave me a soft touch or something comforting. All week he's been really sweet and has been really nice to me. He's respectful to the fact I can't tell him much, but he's also there to ask me if I'm alright and that means more to me than he knows. Sure, we have a few disagreements on the way some things were in our lives such as music and reading material, but he still respected my opinions and over all just made me feel like I was living again. Like that darkness I put myself in to fix myself from these sinful feelings I was having, was starting to be full of a slow burning fire bring light in again. The life I forced myself to live in was cold unburnt wooden logs and Zayn was the fire that ignited me again. It's was nice actually.

"So, you know Liam right?" Zayn started off slowly. I didn't look over at him, I just continued looking at the books in my locker.

"He invited me to his birthday party thing tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" Zayn asked awkwardly. My head snapped up to look at Zayn because I knew something weird was happening.

When Liam and I were friends, he always said Zayn intimidated him and kind of scared him. Now he invites him to his party that everyone in the whole school that is anyone is going to be attending? It's not normal of Liam to do that, unless he's changed just as much as I have since we stopped talking. But that change would be for the better, unlike me.

"I'm not going." I told Zayn, then gently shut my locker that way he wouldn't think I was mad even if I had a horrible urge to slam it shut. Just thinking about Liam made me angry for some reason that it haven't ever thought of.

When I was about to walk around Zayn to get away from having to give him an excuse for not going to the party or for not wanting to be around Liam, Zayn reached his arm across my chest and gently pulled him closer to him so I had to look at him. I would be lying if I said my stomach didn't go crazy with butterflies that I hated when he grabbed me.

"Just please come. We can both go for a few minutes if that makes it better, then we can leave and chill at my place or something." Zayn offered. It was tempting to agree because my mind always went on autopilot to say yes to anything Zayn said which is really weird, but I brought myself back I this world and knew I wouldn't be able to go even if I wanted to.

"My parents wouldn't let me go. I'm sure they wouldn't want me to go to a party, even if it's Liam's. They don't let me do anything unless it's church related, or in some way going to better my faith." I told Zayn feeling this weird feeling as I spoke. I knew what it was and it was very eye opening to me. I was feeling resentment towards my parents for allot of things now as realized how things I've been told are mostly lies just from being with Zayn and seeing his point of view.

"I'm sure they'll let you go if it's Liam. He's not going to do anything crazy." He told me and I thought about it. It was true that Liam was probably the safest persons party to go to. He doesn't drink or do anything like that, also my mum wanted me to be friends with him again. Unfortunately, I don't want to do that because he's the reason I'm a disappointment to God. But, maybe if I'm with Zayn I'll feel better to be there.

Sinful Love (Ziall Horlik) AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum