Chapter 11

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Zayn's POV

"Zayn?" The minute I saw her I felt myself get angry, then sad that some people don't know how to pretend not to know me after all the shit they have put me through. Instead of saying hi to the girl that have me all the stupid reputations, I walked past her to continue working.

I felt her blue eyes in me for at least forty minutes of working tables, until I had to go back to the cash register. It's bad enough that I know she still goes to the same school as me, but now she's trying to talk to me.

"Hey." He sweet voice said as I closed the cash register. I turned to the girl the voice belonged to and gave her what I hoped would be the most hateful look I could muster.

"What do you want, Perrie?" I growled, then crossed my arms. She looked down and cleared her throat.

"I was just wondering what you were doing later so we can maybe talk about a few things. You know, fix our past?" She said quietly, her blue eyes full of hope that I wanted to crush just like she did to mine three years ago.

"So you want to talk about how you told the whole school that I'm this huge slut and lies that I gave you an STD when you did that by cheating on me? You want to talk about that, or the fact that I gave you so many chances to have a normal relationship and all you wanted me for was sex?" I asked her, trying to keep my anger at bay. I was still on the job and she is still a woman and I will try my hardest to respect her like I'm supposed to.

"I-I I miss you and I want to apologize for that. I was just mad because-"

"I wouldn't sleep with you? Because I'm saving something special like that for marriage?" I cut her off, asking her the question that made us break up. Asking her the thing that left me broken hearted and questioning my own morals. I got over it eventually, but the bitterness and broken trust towards what people want of me was left behind permanently.

I knew Perrie wasn't worth my time, just like I wasn't worth hers, and walked away to finish working. I heard her try to call for me to continue you talking to her, but all I could think of was the fact that after she spread those rumors guys and girls would try to get close to me so they could get something from me. My name was on bathroom stalls as "Zayn the Bang" and my phone was constantly blown up with nudes of people I never knew.

People wonder why I'm closed off and try to push people away. People wonder about the tattoos and smoking. The only answer I can give is so I'm not approachable anymore. I secluded myself so I wouldn't have to defend myself amongst my class mates. I stopped being the Zayn I was my first year of high school and started to be the Zayn I am now. Someone with a hard outside so no one can get in to hurt me, but with a soft personality inside that gets wounded easily.

After I got off work, I went to my car and immediately called the only person I have ever let in to my heart. The only person that didn't have to try to get to me. The only person I'm myself around.

"Zayn?" Niall's sweet Irish accent spoke through the phone. I let out a deep breath and smile because I couldn't help myself when I heard his voice.

"You said you were alone tonight, do you want to come to my house so you're not?" I asked him, hoping he would say yes because it was late and all I could imagine was him in that huge cold house alone. He said his mum was going to Ireland and his dad was at the church all night, so he should just be with me instead.

"I don't want to get in trouble." He said nervously, but I heard how much he wanted to say yes.

"If you do, then I'll be right there to make sure he doesn't hurt you again. I just don't want you alone tonight." I told him, hoping that would convince him some, even though he had a good point that he would probably get in trouble.

Sinful Love (Ziall Horlik) AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ