Chapter 17

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Niall's POV

After two days of being in the hospital, both Zayn and I were free to go home. He was in allot worse condition than me, but he played it off like he was fine so we could leave the same day.

The doctors came to the conclusion that he was more banged up than me because he used his body to get the hits I would have received. They also said the way the car was hit, if Zayn hadn't unbuckled himself, he would have been killed on impact and I would have been killed because I'm small and can't handle the force of the car rolling. In other words, Zayn saved us both by doing everything he instinctively thought of.

My mum was very grateful for him while my dad was too busy judging him because he has a sleeve of tattoos and his ears peirced. Mr.Malik tried to get close to my dad on a friend level, but my dad only asked him why he let his son ruin his body. That lead to Zayn's dad going into daddy bear mode and let's just say they yelled at each other until our mum's had to step in.

Even though my dad and Zayn's parents didn't get on well, Zayn's family still liked me and so did Zayn. My mum was supportive of my relationship with Zayn and she also seemed to really like Zayn.

As we drove up to my house after an awkwardly silent ride, I saw someone standing on our front porch that I never would have expected to see again.

I got out of the car and limped up the steps to where Liam was standing. He gave me an uneasy smile, then shook my dad's hand in greeting and kissed my mum's cheek.

"It's been a while, Liam. How have you been?" Mum asked him. He looked at me, then looked back at her.

"I've been doing alright. Not lately after hearing about the accident, but it's relieving to see he's okay." He answered, then accepted the invitation into our house. I ignored him and started my way up to my room to get away from him. I'm not sure what he's doing here or what he wants to tell me, but I know it's not going to be good.

"Let me help you." Liam said softly, gently wrapping his arm around my waist as he helped me limp up the stairs. I had gotten my knee pretty twisted up in the car crash so that's really the only problem I'm dealing with now. While Zayn is having to deal with broken ribs. It actually makes me feel quite guilty he got hurt the most.

We went into my room and he shut the door behind us. I went and sat on my bed, waiting for him to say something that I know will make me cry.

"Niall, I just wanted to talk to you about... last time and you talk to me. I was still in shock of what I saw and I was hurt you never told me you were... Can you just explain it to me? Maybe even why you stopped being friends with me?" He asked me as he sat beside me, getting my hand in his. I looked at the sight and let out a small sigh because I remember when this is all I wanted. Now, I have Zayn and I love him, but this just brings back the pain of everything.

"I never told you because i-it was too weird to say. Zayn is my boyfriend and he's probably the only person that's stupid enough to ever like me, much less love me." I started telling him quietly. He shook his head, then laced his fingers with mine.

"What happened to us, though. I'm fine if you're gay, or bi, or just experimenting, but why couldn't I be there for you? It's been two years, Niall. I'm lost without my best friend and my brother." He begged me. I looked into his brown eyes and felt myself start to shut down.

I couldn't tell him even if I was on my death bed. How pathetic is it to say I stopped being friends with you because I got a crush on you? It's ridiculous and it's not anything I would tell him. How he never figured it out, that really shocks me but the fact even today he doesn't know is almost comical.

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