Começar do início


After I called the number on the 765 business card, my call was forwarded to their Chairman, Junjirou Takagi.
He said he'd arrange for me to meet with his most accomplished Producer.

As for 346, I was put on hold several times until I talked to a Producer. He originally came to our Clubroom looking for me, but when the search failed, he gave Yu his business card.

I don't know what they've got in store for me, but it'd kill me if I didn't find out.

Since this is supposed to be a private endeavor, there is no way we could hold the meeting in Tokyo. So, I suggested having it in Numazu, where Golden Calf's many ears won't hear us. I've even left Uncle Oda (no relation) in the dark about it.

Welcomed by the chimes upon opening the door, I was also admitted to seeing two Producers in suits.

Welcomed by the chimes upon opening the door, I was also admitted to seeing two Producers in suits

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One was tall, muscular, and pretty scary looking. The other was shorter, wearing glasses.

Who works for which company?

765-P: "Oh, you're here! Please, take a seat. We're excited to meet you."

346-P: "Yes."


First impressions. One of them has a lot to say. The other? Not so much.

AKI: "Thank you, I'm not late, am I?"

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AKI: "Thank you, I'm not late, am I?"

346-P: "No."

AKI: "Right... Should we start with names? You probably know I'm Akihiko Suzuki, but what about you?"

 Should we start with names? You probably know I'm Akihiko Suzuki, but what about you?"

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Love Live!: TAKEOVER [PART 8]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora