15: Mission Dinner Date

Start from the beginning

"That could be another Chris."

Austin never gives up when it comes to defending her boyfriend.

"Chris and Alasdair attend the same school, I'm sure this is not a coincidence, there has to be a connection."

"You're just saying this because you don't like Chris."

"Even if I liked him, it doesn't change the fact that he was mentioned in the conversation."

"We shouldn't also forget that Alasdair is not the burglar, and we haven't really found out how his wallet ended up with the actual burglar," Wyndy chips in.

"He probably hired the burglar to rob me and got robbed himself."

"That's right. Now, we have to find out why Alasdair hired a burglar to steal your invention and get it back. His drug dealing is none of our business," Austin adds.

"I can't believe Alasdair is the one who stole my invention. He seems like a pretty decent guy, I would've never thought he could stoop so low," I muse.

Wyndy puts her hand on my shoulder. "You never really know people until you get to know them."

Travis suggests that we just turn Alasdair in to the cops since we are sure that he is the burglar. I explain to him that we can't do that unless we have concrete proof because it would look bad if we report him to the cops and they find nothing on him.

"And how do we find concrete proof?" Travis asks, emphasizing the 'concrete proof'.

"We pay him a visit," I reply with a smirk.

"Do you really think that he would put a stolen invention in his house? He can't be that careless," Austin says.

"According to Caleb, he actually is. So the chances are, the invention is still at his house and even if it isn't, we can find some other clues that he must have forgotten to put away."

"I can act as a distraction while you guys search for the invention," Wyndy offers.

"Good idea, but what would be your reason for going there?"

"His folks are out of town for the week and rather than throw a party like most boys his age, he prefers to have a dinner date with me. He has been asking me everyday and I've been blowing him off. I can text him right now to tell him that I've changed my mind about the dinner date."

"I don't really like the idea of you going on a dinner date with him. What if—"

Austin cuts me off. "Do you wanna find your invention or not?"

I look away and say nothing. Wyndy smiles knowingly at me.

"It's just a harmless dinner date, and it'll be the perfect distraction. Alasdair would be too busy with me to notice anything," she assures me.

"Now that that's settled, let's do this," Travis says.

* * * * *

"Why are you so eager to help Avan find his invention? You're literally ready to do anything for him, including going out on a date with a guy you don't even like," Austin says to Wyndy as she gets ready for the date in her room.

I stop by the slightly open door to listen to Wyndy's response.

"Avan is such a brilliant genius and it would be a shame if he couldn't participate in this contest with his invention. Also, he's a friend and friends help each other."

"These days, I'm not even sure if he's just a friend to you."

"Just because I'm going to lengths to help him?"

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