Chapter 21: I'll Believe You For Now

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"Yuanying!" My friends called out as they ran to me.

"Oh?" I asked while still in a daze.

Karina already left without saying any other words so I was left standing in the middle.

"Wah, I can't believe that just happened"


"Guendae, I did not know you and Sunghoon were that close" my friend asked. It kind of caught me off guard since we really were not close at all. Sunghoon and I just met yesterday, or so to say, we barely had any proper conversation.

"N-no that's not i-" I wanted to clear things up but they just continued to talk over me.

"Ya, Yuanying, you don't have to hide it from us! Everyone in the school likes Sunghoon. I mean, I can we not? More so, it is difficult enough to get his attention. You're quite lucky already" the other friend of ours explained.

But, seriously, how can I even like someone I no nothing about? I do not even understand what people like about him. Well, obviously, people will really like him of his looks. And he does have a look in my opinion too. But apart from that... What is there for me to like? That is something I have no knowledge of so ofcourse I can not carelessly just like him.

"You should push your luck Yuanying. That would mean we can also get close to him right? Your friends are our friends" my friend who was beside me said.

I was about to explain more but somehow, I could feel a wierd vibe. I looked around to see where it came from but I was not so sure as to where is the exact location. Maybe it is just from the crowd since we are still the center of attention now.

But as I looked at my friend beside me...

What was that look?

The second thought of it, her previous expression disappeared. As if nothing just happened.

Maybe I am just too tired now that I am seeing things.

"Anyway, let's just pack our lunches and eat at the classroom. Yuanying might feel uncomfortable here now" she offered.

"Sure!" They agreed.

What she said kind of calmed me down. Knowing I have friends who will have my back, it reassured me everything is going to be fine.

With that, we went back to our classroom and ate lunch. We just talked while eating and thankfully, they did not bring up what happened earlier again. I mean, if they did, I would not know how to explain things as well.

With a lighter heart, the day continued normally as we start preparing for the decorations for our classroom booths.

"Yuanying, can you get the props we asked to borrow from the storage room? You can use that stroller to help you carry them since it might be heavy for you" our class representative ordered. Well, everyone is doing quite heavy tasks so I was the only one not really doing anything. So this much effort should be fine.

"Okay!" I agreed. I the immediately proceeded to pushing the stroller going to my destination, which is the storage room. It is located in the ground floor near the gym, which is 2 floors below us. If I did not have the stroller with me, carrying the materials would have sent me to the clinic already.

As I was walking though, I could feel some stares land on me. It was coming from the students I pass by in the hall.

"Isn't she that girl who spilled on Sunghoon earlier this lunch?"

"Yeah, I think she is"

"She must have really did that to get his attention"

"I mean, I would have done it too to be honest but obviously, I would just be shut off"

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