Chapter 15- Estúpido Idiota

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A/N: I was so excited to post this one, so yes two in the same day. Enjoy! Also.... Mind my Spanish. Some of it is google translated, most of it is my best attempt with the little Spanish that I know. We Canadian's take french. Weirdly enough, I think I know more Spanish than French at this point. Anyways.

A few hours later, the lab results were in and they were awaiting the results of the voluntary DNA tests Tracey's family and boyfriend had taken. They had discovered that she had been dumped on the beach post mortem. It appeared as though someone had harvested her organs due to the large poorly stitched horizontal incision on her left side. They would have to wait for the coroner to inspect the body before they knew for sure. Fortunately, everyone was more than willing to answer questions.

Chloe felt for Tracey's parents. Less than a year ago they had lost their thirteen year old son to cancer, and now they had just lost their daughter. Once their DNA cleared and their alibi checked out, they were free to go. On the way out the door, Chloe promised to give them a call if anything new came up.

The new partners now sat in the interrogation room across from the victim's boyfriend, Jean-Paul III. JP, as he liked to be called, had a thick french accent and olive skin. His golden brown eyes were kind, but red from crying. His dark hair was undercut and tussled with gel. The eighteen year old man wore ripped blue jeans, brown work boots and dark green windbreaker that was zipped to the top. He sat casually in his chair, and fiddled with the bottle of water Chris had given him when he came in.

"Thank you for coming in JP. I'm Detective Decker and this is my partner, Detective Cerulli." She made eye contact with him as she spoke, and he confidently looked back at her.

"Nice to meet you, Detectives." He greeted smoothly.

"You're okay without a translator?"

"I speak english very well," He responded quickly. "If you need me to speak slower because of the accent, please let me know."

She nodded, "I think we'll be okay. Detective?"

"No, I can understand him just fine." Chris told her.

"Okay, let's start simple. Where were you last night?" Chloe asked him.

"I was at home. Tracey came over. We watched a movie, uh The Pirates of the Caribbean. With my roommate, Jessie."

"Was Jessie with you two all night?"

"Yes, until she left. Then He and I had a couple beers and went to bed." He confirmed.

"Right, and what time did Tracey get there and when did she leave?" Chloe pressed, shifting in her seat.

"She got there at four and left around ten."

"And what were you three doing when you weren't watching the movie?" Chris beat Chloe to it, understanding the pattern of the questions now that he had listened to the first few.

"I made dinner, we had lasagna, I believe it's called. It was very good." He smiled at his own joke, although it didn't reach his eyes. "We kind of just hung out. Talked."

"Right, so. You realize Tracey never made it home?" Chris asked.

"I don't- I really don't know what happened," His voice trembled. "She left my apartment at ten, I called her at midnight when I hadn;t heard from her. I assumed she just forgot to let me know she got home safe and crashed. I would never hurt her."

Cerulli scoffed, "Heard that before."

Chloe frowned. "JP, we're going to find who did this. We just have a few more questions. Then, do you think your roommate would mind coming in?"

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