Chapter 9- Trixie Cuteness Overload

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A/N: I'd like to thank my boyfriend for naming this chapter, as well as chapter 7 actually. Hope ya'll like it.

 Lucifer hadn't slept in days and he felt as though he was slowly going insane. They had indeed found out that Father Crowe had taken Chloe and this entire investigation was all just a big set up to, in the words of Father Crowe, 'get her out of the way.' They still had no idea where he was keeping her and Lucifer was getting more anxious that he had killed her and was coming for him next. If this were the case, Lucifer welcomed the priest. He wanted to tourcher him himself, kill him, and then tourcher him more in Hell. He's not too sure when it had come to be this way, but anyone who wanted to mess with Chloe, had to deal with him as well.

He was glaring down at the papers he had arranged on Chloe's desk. Hoping to find something that they had missed. " I don't understand, where would a priest harbor a woman?"

"I don't get it either, Chloe isn't a virgin."

"He's not sacrificing her to me, Sir Douche, he took her to get to me."

"Huh?" Dan gave the Devil a puzzled look. "You say some really weird shit, dude."

"No, you humans just never believe me." Lucifer stood, adjusting his cufflinks. "Well, I'm going to be trying to get some actual work done, since no one else seems to know what they're doing around here."

"What are you going to do? Go to the nearest catholic church and start busting down doors?" Dan called after him.

Lucifer began walking backwards as he responded. "That's actually an excellent idea Daniel."

Lucifer strode to his car. He had barely turned the keys when he stomped on the gas. The Corvette skidded out of the precinct lot, speeding towards the Immaculate Heart of Mary church.

He parked obnoxiously in front of the entrance, not even closing his driver door as he ripped the doors to the main hall open. Surprisingly, they weren't locked. The hall however, was completely deserted. He chuckled humorously to himself at the idea of the Devil in church as he paced the halls, kicking in every door he passed.

After no luck, he stood outside the double doors of what he assumed to be a gymnasium, with his hands on his hips. It was ridiculous to think he would find her here, after all this was the first random church he came to. They could be in Memphis, or worse, his detective could be dead. His eyes flashed red at the thought, as he walked menacingly down a new corridor.


Chloe heaved the shelf nearest to the door. It along with its contents came crashing down against the barrier. She had been stuck in here for days. She had deduced that she was in a church, and not a very lively one at that. She never heard much going on, the few times she had heard someone and screamed for help, it turned out to be Father Crowe, or the teenager that had been bringing her water. She had been fed once, yesterday and was currently starving. She assumed it was to keep her energy low, but no one had actually tried to kill her. She was going crazy and she needed to get out of here. She prayed- ha - that Lucifer was okay. She had to tell herself he was, it was the only thing that was keeping her somewhat sane. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" BANG BANG BANG she pounded on the door. "LUCIFER IS GOING TO FIND ME AND YOU ARE GOING TO WISH YOU HADN'T DONE THIS!"
Her throat was raw from screaming, she was starving, barely hydrated. It was the first time in her life she felt defenseless. Chloe collapsed against the door and began to shake, and soon sobs racked her entire body.

She didn't know how long she cried for, before she heard the lock click. She moved away from the door. When it opened, she saw the huge teenager standing in the opening with a bottle of water and two slices of bread with what looked like peanut butter spread over it. Chloe stood and charged. He immediately dropped the contents in his hands, grabbed her by the shoulders, throwing her to the side.

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