Chapter 7- Decker Gets Dickered

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 Chloe woke up with the sun glaring through the window, she must have forgotten to close the curtains last night. She rolled over as she stretched. What the fuck? Something was wrong. She sat up in panic. She wasn't in her bed, nor even in her house. She looked around the penthouse confused, as the night came back to her. "Lucifer"

"Ah! Detective, you're awake!" Lucifer appeared, seemingly out of thin air. He was dressed in a light navy blue, three piece suit with a white button up and with a white pocket square which sported a blue design. His hair was slicked back perfectly, he smiled at her as he pulled on his black polished shoes. "Good timing, I was just about to wake you."

"What time is it?"

"Half past seven. Time for a quick one, yeah?"

She threw a pillow at him as she sat up, pulling the blanket with her to cover her chest. "Hell, I have to stop at home, Lucifer. I shouldn't have slept here." They hadn't had sex. Lucifer however had insisted she stay the night, and they go into the station in the morning together. They worked together after all, and he would have to pick her up anyways, since she had left her car.

"No worries, my dear. We can make a quick stop at yours so you don't look suspicious." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Not that going into work together won't." He grasped her ankle over top of the comforter. "Coffee?"

"Yes please."

With that Lucifer headed towards the kitchen, leaving Chloe to dress.

Lucifer returned swiftly with a travel mug, just as Chloe was putting her jacket on. "Thank you." She took the mug from him.

"Detective..." He was frowning at her. "What happens now?"

She smiled at him. "I think... I think we can give this a try." She took his hand with her free one and stood on her toes to kiss him.

He immediately cupped her face with his hands. Warmth filled him and he hummed as one of his arms snaked around her waist, pulling her against him. "I like the sound of that." He whispered, pecking her cheek quickly before detaching from her.


The Corvette pulled up to the station, Lucifer and Chloe stepped out of either side. "You know, I may not affect you the same as I affect everyone else, but you definitely affect me." Lucifer offered Chloe his hand and she shook her head. "Ouch, rejecting me already, are we?

"I just don't need everyone talking about it right now. Trust me, it has nothing to do with you." Chloe made eye contact with him before opening the front door.

"Morning guys," Ella called from across the building. They both smiled and made their way over to the cheery forensics tech. "Decker, I thought you were already here. Your car was out front."

Chloe opened her mouth to speak as Dan walked up, panting as though he had just ran a marathon. "Hey, I was able to ID the first witness as Micheal Rodriguez. He is not a UCLA student, in fact he doesn't have any post secondary history that I can find."

"Dan, you're a lifesaver. Do you have an address?"

"Of course." Dan handed her the folder and stalked back to his desk, giving Lucifer and Ella a tight nod.

"Yeesh, what's his deal?" Ella grinned between the two of them.

"Probably not too thrilled that the Detective and I came in together this morning," Lucifer remarked.

"I knew it." She pulled them both in for a group hug. They both hesitated, but pat Ella on the back simultaneously. "Finally you guys! Ugh! You just made all of my Deckerstar dreams come true!"

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