Chapter 1- Lucifer Morningstar

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A/N: Hey readers- yes that's a lame greeting- for this story it's pretty well a fresh start of Lucifer. Same characters for the most part, just a bit of a different story. You'll probably notice that I do include some cannon aspects, as well as include my own. I wanted to have a fresh start for this just so I could fit my own ideas in without contradicting anything that has actually happened. Anyways, Please enjoy!

Chloe sighed, crumpling her discarded notes before throwing them into the small trash can next to her desk. "No new leads?" She jumped at the sound of Dan's voice.

"Uh, no..."

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." He said, stepping into her office. Dan was a fairly attractive man, he wasn't very tall, but he had a kind smile and a fit build.

"No, no it's fine.. It's just, it doesn't make any sense, Dan. Why would the shooter leave the gun at the scene?" She furrowed her brows, as if she was concentrating really hard on something.

"I mean, they did wipe it." He pointed out.

"Yeah but, why leave it ON the body? Wouldn't it be easier just to throw it in a corner or something? The fact that the murderer placed the weapon intetionally just isn't adding up." She frowned, "or I don't know... take it with you? Destroy it? Throw it in the ocean? Anything!"

"Okay, okay." Dan shut the door to her office and walked to her desk, leaning over it, so he could look her in the eyes. "Maybe they knew no one was coming for a long time. We didn't even get a call until three to five hours after it happened. This was premeditated. There were no signs of forced entry or even a struggle. What if... What if the vic not only knew his attacker, but knew they were going to be shot. They were shot through the chest from a close range, facing their attacker."

Chloe nodded slowly. "Why would anyone WANT to get shot though." She stared down at the now empty space in front of her. "Dan, we have to go back to the crime scene."

"What good is that going to do? It's all cleaned up by now."

"Right, but I just want to get a better picture of things. Take another look at the layout. Hell, maybe someone from that night club across the street saw something." She thought aloud. "It was obviously closed this morning, but by this hour there's got to be plenty of people there, and probably the same staff from last night."

"Okay, well what are you thinking?" Dan was then standing upright again, his arms folded over his chest.

"I don't know, but do you think it's possible our vic not only knew the person, but they also saw the gun and didn't think they would shoot, OR maybe was expecting them to shoot but thought it was loaded with blanks or something." He raised an eyebrow as she continued to speak, "I know, I'm grasping at straws here, but it really doesn't make any sense."

"Let's just go, before we get too ahead of ourselves."

*At the crime scene*

"So, our shooter was already in the building. At that hour of night, not many people would be around, maybe a janitor or an employee working a graveyard. There were really no witnesses that we know of, that's what's making this so hard. Everything seems to be wiped clean, this person knew what they were doing."

"You know, Chloe, maybe we're just going to have to accept that some cases can't be solved." Dan shoved his hands in his pockets.

She frowned at him. "Why don't you stay and look around here, talk to some of the other employees in the building, see if they saw anything unusual yesterday. I'm going to go across the street to LUX to see if anyone there may have seen someone leaving or entering the building between ten PM and two AM last night."

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