Chapter 14- Lost soul

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A/N: some of you are gonna hate this chapter, heh. I apologize in advance for the new character 😂

*Two earth months later and a hell of a lot longer in Hell later*

Lucifer stood with his hand on the doorknob. Chole's soul beckoned him, urging him to find her. He took a shaky breath as he opened the door.

The steady whoosh he was all too familiar with sounded behind him. He closed the door and turned to his brother.

"Yes, Amenadiel?" The devil faced his angelic brother, his words thickly laced with sarcasm. "To what do I owe this extraordinary pleasure?"

The dark-skinned man crossed his arms over his chest before speaking. "It's time for you to come home, Luci." He said gravely.

Panic immediately flooded the Devil's thoughts. was Chloe okay? Why was he being so serious? Home? He was home. "I-What do you mean? If I could just pop back to earth, I would. But I died, brother. 'Fraid I'm here for- well ever."

"We can figure that part out. This is important." Chloe still hadn't told him he could tell Lucifer about the baby, so he wouldn't. He knew he had to get his brother back to earth somehow. She was fourteen weeks pregnant for crying out loud! "Chloe can't do this without you, Lucifer."

Lucifer became confused and irritated. "She's a damn adult Amenadiel. She's perfectly capable! Better off, even."

"Please," he pleaded. "She's- she's not well." It wasn't a complete lie. She had been talking to both him and Linda about the baby and had mentioned not sleeping and having horrible morning sickness.

Lucifer looked at his brother like a whipped puppy. "You can't be serious. Humans get sick, brother." His tone was darker now.

"She says she isn't sleeping. It sounds like she may even be avoiding it."

Lucifer paled. "Oh no, it's real."

"What's real, brother?" Amenadiel questioned.

"The Detective, I- She." Lucifer took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "When she got sent back to her body, her Hell loop didn't disappear. At first, I thought nothing of it. But every once in a while, I assume when she sleeps, I feel a pull towards that door." He gestured to the door behind him. "This door. I've spoken to her a few times, but normally I just hear her. She sounds so scared." His voice broke on his last sentence. He cleared his throat as he continued. "I fear that a part of her soul may be trapped down here.

Amenadiel frowned, he creased his brow in worry. "Well, she hasn't said anything to Linda or I about it."He thought for a moment, all Chloe had said was that she was having a hard time falling asleep at night. She may have mentioned something more to Linda in confidence. They had been spending alot of time together lately, bonding over their supernatural babies. "Hmm, well I could ask Linda but, maybe we should take a look at this loop together."

Lucifer let out a troubled sigh as he yanked open the red door. "After you."

The two wandered through the Hell replica, their senses alert. Lucifer kept his eye closed and let his familiarity with Hell carry him forward. He took deep steady breaths through his nose as he concentrated on the pull. It was as if a million strings of light were floating from his heart and gripped on to the fragment as though they were made to be one. A smile tugged on his lips as he followed the warm feeling, his brother following close behind, listening intently.

It felt as though hours passed before they heard a faint cry in the distance, "Lucifer PLEASE!"

Lucifer's eyes snapped open as he and Amenadiel looked at each other and froze. Seconds passed and Lucifer shook his head and made a b-line towards the sound. "Detective!" He shouted into the wasteland.

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