Chapter 12- Unjust Punishment

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Chloe broke down for what felt like the millionth time as she knelt by her soulmate, pressing her already blood-soaked jacket against his wound. She sobbed as he looked into her eyes and told her it was okay. No, this wasn't okay. Something was wrong. No matter how many times she tried to tell him, nothing would ever be okay again. He still smiled up at her as life drained from his features. She wanted to scream at him to keep fighting, but something in his expression made her breath hitch.

"No!" He screamed as she turned. She felt his body jolt under her hands.

Chloe's eyes widened as the blade was plunged into her chest, she gasped for air, falling against Lucifer's body, their blood mixing together as they both bled out. She listened to her partner's heart slow as they both took their final breaths. She swore she heard him whisper 'I love you' as everything faded into darkness.


Chloe stood with her gun aimed at Lucifer's chest. He stood with his arms open only a few feet away, while her only child shook in the corner. She glanced at the faceless men in red and black robes around her. Confusion overtook her as she slowly started to lower her weapon. "Wha-"

"Detective, you need to shoot me, it's the only way."

She started to raise her arms again only to stop and lower them, looking into Trixie's eyes across the dark basement. Something wasn't right.

"Shoot him, Detective! He must be sent back to Hell!" One of the strangers urged her.

"Hell..." She breathed looking around. For the first time, she gazed at his brown eyes. Only they weren't brown at all, they were black. "What the-"


A door that definitely wasn't there a second ago slammed open, hitting the wall as it did. Chloe gasped at the man in the doorway, her gun clattering to the stone floor.

"Finally. Thank Dad." Lucifer breathed as he strode over to Chloe, embracing her immediately.

"Uh, boss?" The other Lucifer asked in a rather gruff voice, not at all like the posh accent he had just been speaking in.

"Belios, this soul is not to be tortured. She doesn't belong here." Lucifer stated, pulling back from an extremely confused Detective, but he would have to deal with that in a moment.

"I- wow. My King! You're back!" Lucifer 2.0 gave a small bow.

"Right." Lucifer sighed, glancing around Chloe's Hell loop in distaste. "That goes for all of you. Find a soul to torture that deserves it. Because despite what she may think, the Detective does not."

One by one the demons slowly exited the room through the door that he had come through. Once they were all gone he turned to Chloe, shame blanketing his expression.

"I am so sorry," He began. "This is all my fault. You should not have been there. He would have let Trixie go with or without you. He- he just wanted to ensure I would end up back here. I think he realized the only way to get me to willingly go down here was to give me a reason.

"I'm... In Hell," Chloe said slowly. It wasn't a question. She had figured it out seconds before he had barged through the door.

"Unfortunately.'' He said sadly, before immediately perking up. "You're not staying though. You don't belong here."

"I- I've been down here forever." She mused.

"No. Well, yes." She scrunched her eyebrows together and he sighed, placing a hand on her elbow. "It's actually only been a few minutes. I died just as I heard the sirens. I found you as quickly as I could." He took a deep breath. "You see, in Hell time moves alot slower. A minute is equal to a year. So to you, you may have been down here a few years. But really, your body is still warm."

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