Chapter 8- Sacrificial Virgins

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A/N: Couldn't find relevant chapter photo so just enjoy this I guess.

It had been a week since Father Crowe had shown up at Chloe's flat, which meant it had also been a week since Chloe and Lucifer had sex for the first time. They had had a lot of sex since, and Lucifer had also made it annoyingly clear that he wasn't going to leave her alone until they had figured out what they were going to do about Father Crowe. She truthfully didn't mind spending time with Lucifer. It was when he had to take care of something when she was also busy that was the problem. He would make Maze or Amenadiel babysit her. She adored them both as well, but not having any alone time, and dealing with Lucifer's for lack of better words childlike antics, was enough to make her want to snap.

"I am telling you, Detective, please. If you just let me deal with it, it won't be a problem." Lucifer reasoned with her.

"No, absolutely not." He wanted to go speak to their prime suspect of the current case alone. Mark Spudly had insisted he wouldn't talk to cops, so Lucifer thought it would be a great idea if he went alone, unarmed, into enemy territory.

"I'm immortal. If you come, I'm just going to have to worry about you and then we might both get hurt."

"Look. I face these guys every damn day." Her arms were folded over her chest as she glared up at him. "We can do this together, or I can go without you, but I can't send you in there alone."

He turned away from her with an exasperated sigh, pulling out his flask. He ran his left hand through his hair as he took a swig. "What if we both go, and you wait in the car."


"Detective, I'm not asking you to sit it out. I just have a bad feeling," He pleaded. "I'm asking you to let me take the lead on this until we know exactly what we're dealing with!"

Mark was second in command of a local crime gang, and Lucifer had told her quite a few times now, that he was unpredictable and from the sounds of it should probably be in a mental institution. He also thought the case was somehow connected to the priest-trying-to-send-him-back-to-Hell situation and was not letting up on how he felt about putting Chloe in the middle of it.

"Lucifer, just because we're-" She paid, what exactly were they doing? She lowered her voice as she continued her thought. "Just because we are sleeping together, doesn't mean you get to tell me how to do my job."

He frowned, taken aback. Were they not an item? Was that all they were doing? Did she not feel the same way about him that he did her? He sighed, shaking the thought from his head. Lucifer touched her cheek, trying to calm both her and himself. "Look at it from my perspective."

"You are not going alone." She said finally.

"Fine." He agreed, not wanting to argue with her any longer "If anything happens to you, I swear-"

"It won't." She cut him off. "I know what I'm doing."

"Very well." He gestured to her car and she got in as he walked around to the other side.

As the pair pulled up to the warehouse, Chloe saw Lucifer's gears turning. She peered over at him. His mouth formed a ridged line, his eyes partially narrowed. "If you concentrate any harder, I might start to see smoke coming out of your ears." She commented as she unbuckled.

"Wait, Detective." He followed her out of the car. "Are you sure I can't convince you to at the very least allow me to check things out before you?"

"I am going to be just fine." It wasn't that she thought she was invincible, but she had been a detective for a few years now, and was confident in her abilities. Yes, it was dangerous. Yes, it helped to have the Devil as a partner, when he showed up. But the truth was, she could do it on her own.

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