Melody feels her cheeks flush as he leans in, wiggling his eyebrows at her. I-Is he hitting on me, she thinks, steam coming out of her ears. She takes a step back, putting a hand on his shoulder when he leans in to follow. "I really hope you're not doing what I think you're doing," she says, trying to keep her voice even. For over five years, she's thought of nothing but her training and researching the other Pantheons. Boys haven't seriously crossed her mind...probably ever. Not in that way, at least.

"What if I am?" Koji says, placing his hand over hers. He gently guides it off of his shoulder, curling his fingers around hers. Melody scrambles for what she can say, something she can do in response, but her mind goes blank.

"Then you need to stop," Marcus suddenly hisses, placing a heavy hand on Koji's shoulder. Koji winces as he squeezes, quickly sliding away from Melody. Marcus expertly curls around him, putting himself between them. "If you're that relaxed, then take us to the Shinto now. If not, then focus." Melody takes another step back, mushing her cheeks with her fingers. Mental note: get better at talking to boys, she thinks. My face isn't that red, is it? I'm not blushing, am I?

"I-I can't see anything," Oliver says, fluttering to the ground. He doesn't seem to notice Marcus's murderous glares, or Melody's embarrassment, much to her relief. Or, if he does, he's polite enough to not draw attention to it. "Are you sure this is the right way? How far inland do we have to go?"

"Pretty far," Koji confirms, rubbing his shoulder painfully. "But we should be getting close. Orochi is a lot of things, but they're not fast on land. They tend to stick close to the water because they're a good swimmer. Why, are you getting scared?" He teases with a smirk. Oliver whimpers, taking his staff in both hands.

"I-I'm just not the biggest fan of snakes," he says, hanging his head. "Especially monster snakes. The last one I met was...intense."

"Oh? What snake monsters do you Greeks have?" Koji says curiously. "Medusa? Python?" Oliver shakes his head, the colour draining from his face.

"It wasn't a Grecian monster. It was Egyptian." Melody's head perks up, her embarrassment draining away in an instant.

"An Egyptian snake? You don't mean - you didn't...?" Oliver nods solemnly, hugging himself.

"Apophis." He mutters the name like a curse. Melody's mouth falls open, and she stumbles back, bracing herself on the figurehead. Oliver had to face Apophis!? When was this!? She thinks, her pulse rising. I thought I knew everything he went through for the rebellion! What if he freezes up while facing Orochi? If he's afraid of snakes-

Suddenly another realization dawns on her. She whirls around, staring at Marcus in horror. Marcus must be terrified of snakes too, after his punishment! How could I be so stupid!? They can't possibly fight Orochi! She rubs her eyes again, cursing her last few sleepless nights.

"Hey, maybe we should change the plan-" She tries, stepping up to join the group.

"No way, it's a great plan! Guaranteed to work!" Koji says proudly. "My teacher said Orochi's strong, but real dumb. No way it can fail!"

"That's not what I'm talking about!" Melody snaps. At the same time, Oliver and Marcus perk up, turning to the front of the boat. Marcus turns back, nods to Oliver, and dashes down the deck. Oliver's shoes start flapping their wings, carrying him slowly upward.

"There's something ahead!" He explains, pointing over the bow with Caduceus. "I think it's Orochi - get ready!" Melody spins around, leaning over the edge of the boat to get a look. Koji joins her, hopping onto the rail to get a better angle.

Pantheon Book 2: The Way of the TaoWhere stories live. Discover now