chapter 12

59 6 1

Luke's POV

I don't know what to wear, what am I going to do?




"UGH SHUT UP LUKE!!" The guys screamed.

Opps, I guess I wasn't mentally freaking out but I was physically doing that.

After freaking out and yelling, I finally decided on wearing going basic. A flannel, black skinny jeans and converse. I fixed my quiffy long blonde hair.

I finally finished.


I went to the bathroom and asked the guys.

"Guyssss um soooo how, how do I look?" I nervously stuttered as I looked at the bathroom mirror.

"You look fine Lukeyyy." Calum winked while pretending to be a white girl and patted my chest.

Ashton just started to laugh like crazy, just like a teenage girl. I should be mad at him but I couldn't, instead I just laughed with him.

In this time, you would have thought that Michael would be teasing me but that wan't the case.

"But seriously though, you look great Luke, Reagan will think so too." Michael said genuinely. 


That really calmed me down.

"Thanks Michael, that really means a lot, thanks for being a great friend." I smiled and gave him a small hug.


I'm so glad to call all these idiots my best friends.

I was so excited to see Reagan again. I planned a perfect first date and I hope everything goes well, I really, really like her. I was dressed nicely and I drove to her place.

You know what was weird?

When I arrived at her front door, the door was opened and Reagan's purse was on the floor. What happened? I knew that she wouldn't ditch me like this. 

Maybe she's in trouble?

I don't know.

I'm just so frustrated, I kicked the door hard.

By hard, I mean hard.

Why the fuck did I do that?

Holy crap.

I walked in the house to see if there's any clues on where she went.

I saw a note.

I wonder what it says.

I picked it up and I was so shocked of what it said, I couldn't even move.

Everything is ruined.


hey gUYSSS!!

I'm sorry for not updating, I was just really lazy, so I decided to do a double update :-) PLease if you enjoyed it, go vote, comment and share, it would mean a lot. I love you so much, thanks for reading. You can message me any time if you have any questions xx

~serena :-) xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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