Chapter 22

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(Y/N)'s POV

The sound of faint beeping fills my ears. It's a steady rhythm, it's almost somewhat calming.

Everything around me feels weird, like I'm dreaming yet I know I'm not. I'm supposed to be dead anyway right? I'm still stuck in this pitch black void. I've been here for less than a month but more than a week...I think. It's not exactly easy to keep track of time here since there aren't any clocks or anything.

There's something in the distance..a light? It manages to come closer to me. Now it's only a few feet in front of me. It's a flame, it feels comforting somehow. For some reason it seems so dull, somewhat broken in a way. I reach out towards it and my hand is engulfed by its light and warmth. Its brightest, its happier. I smile at it but eventually pull my hand away. It dulls a bit but not like i was before, it's more content now.

After a few moments the flame entirely disappears and a door appears we're the flame once stood. It's a white door with no special details. I reach my hand towards the door and rest my hand on the handle of it. It feels somewhat warm, not hot or anything. It gave off a warmth similar to the flame it had a few moments ago.

I turn the handle and a bright light casts into the void. A feeling of uncertainty suddenly fills me. I take a deep breath to calm myself before stepping into the bright light. I hear the door close behind me before the room somehow gets even brighter. I hiss at it before quickly covering my eyes. Suddenly I feel like everything around me somehow disappears, it's a weird feeling.

I open up my eyes again and I'm greeted by a mostly white room. This time there's actually furniture though. I'm laying down in a bed that doesn't feel like my own. I look to my right to see a few machines that have wires connected to me. One of them shows my heart rate, so that's where the beeping sound was coming from. I then noticed that my left hand was intertwined with someone else's.

I look over to my left and see someone. It's Grillby. He's sitting on a chair while laying on the armrest. His clothes look a bit dirty, he hasn't been taking care of himself recently. It's best if I let him sleep, he probably really needs it.

I go back to looking at the ceiling before I feel a pain in my neck. I pull my free hand up to my neck and flinch at the contact. The pain was unbearable or anything, it was just a bit uncomfortable.

What the hell happened again?

Damian cornered me and tried to kidnap me. Then the police came and he was shot. THough that moment he had stabbed me in the neck...I think. I don't remember much more than that though to be honest. It's just a blur of shouting and a bit of pain.

Thankfully I was healed enough to not have any bandages around my neck but I probably had a scare from the stab wound. So for now it's a bit sensitive but it's nothing too bad.


I sat up and looked over to Grillby who was staring at me in disbelief. Before I'm able to respond back to him before he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I'm a bit startled at the sudden contact but quickly hug him back.

"We...we all thought you weren't going to make it. Please never scare me like that ever again." He said in a shaky voice. He was crying. How does he even cry? It's probably some weird monster magic shit.

We both just sat there in each other's embrace for a while. It's nice, it feels right, it feels like this is supposed to be happening. It's a nice feeling.

Eventually Grillby lets go of me so I can see his face again. There's a few drops of an orange liquid flowing down his face. I'm assuming that's his version of tears. I've always wondered what tea from him would look like. He quickly wipes them away with his sleeves.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now