Chapter 12

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off causing me to have to get out bed. I let out an annoyed sigh before turning off my alarm. I quickly stretched and went to go get ready for the day. Once I brushed my teeth, washed my face, put makeup on my eye bags, and picked out an outfit for the day I finally stepped out of my room.

I was greeted by Midnight rubbing themselves against my legs. I smiled at them before I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed Midnights bowl and filled it with some cat food. I then gave the food to Midnight and they happily meowed before starting to eat their food. They almost choked at least three times because of how fast they were eating but thankfully didn't die. I then grabbed a  bowl for myself and quickly made myself some cereal. Once me and Midnight were both done eating our breakfast I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Grillby.

[Hey (Y/N) thanks for letting me spend they day with you yesterday!]

[No problem!]
[You were really fun to hangout with.]

I put my phone down before I grabbed Midnight and sat down on the couch with them. It felt really nice to be able to have days off since I usually had to go to work even if I felt like I was dying. Wait, why was I able to take so many days off again?
Shit, I totally forgot that I was going I start working for Grillby soon. I forgot to ask him when I could stay work yesterday. I'll probably just ask him the next time I'm able to see him. I decided to put on (F/M) for background noise as I just laid on the couch with Midnight on my lap.

After a few hours of being 100% lazy and doing nothing I decided I should probably actually do something. I moved Midnight off of my lap before I got off of the couch and stretched. I then grabbed my essentials and was about to leave to go get some groceries.

Before I was able to make my way out of the door I noticed something from the corner of my eye. It was the Bi themed handbag Kattie gave me. Should I use it today? I'm not really out to anyone so I don't want random people knowing I'm Bi. Though, it does look pretty fucking cute.

I let out hesitant sigh before before engraving the bad and outing my things inside. I said goodbye to Midnight before I making way to the elevator. Once I got to the main floor I was quickly greeted by Madison before went outside.

I thought about going to Walmart to get my groceries but I also didn't want to go there. I pulled out my phone and looked for groceries stores to go to any found one at the edge of town. The edge of town seems to be a pretty neutral place and I saw a lot more monsters than usual. It's not like I minded it though, I always did prefer monsters over humans. They were always so kind to anyone and believed in going people second chances.

I soon found myself at the small shop I was looking for that seemed to be somewhat new. I walked inside and was greeted by a purple rabbit monster and...wait...Mary?

They both greeted me and it turns out the other rabbit was Mary's roommate. She seems to be really nice and was also really good friends with Mary. I didn't want to make any assumptions but the way they both acted the night have been more than just friends. Her name was Violet but I'm pretty sure that Mary just gave her that as a nickname because of the color of her fur.

Anyway, Violets shop seems to have a surprisingly large variety of both food and items that I hadn't seen before. I assumed a lot of the stuff originally came from the underground because of how unique and cool they were.

After getting a bunch of stuff for a surprisingly amount of stuff for a really cheap price I made my way back home. The walk back was pretty difficult because of how many more people were trying to get places. It also didn't help that I had two full shopping bags in each hand. It probably wasn't really that heavy but I was just really weak. I was really tempted to just pay someone to drive me back to my apartment but I also wanted to save in money.

After a while I was able to make my way back to my apartment building. I then walked inside and make my way to the 2nd floor. I was able to get to my apartment without anyone in my way so my hands didn't have to suffer that much. One I made my way back to my apartment I put two of the bags in one hand onto the floor. I then reached into my handbag and grabbed my keys and unlocked the door before pushing it open.

I saw Midnight was asleep on the edge of the couch and was a few seconds away from falling in the floor. I smiled at the sight before I grabbed my keys and putting them back in my bag. I grabbed the two bags in the floor and brought them into the apartment. I then locked the door behind me and started to put away the groceries.

Once I was done I let out a sight of relief before I collapsed on the couch. I grabbed the blanket me and Grillby were sharing yesterday and wrapped it around my body. I held up the blanket close to my face and realized it smelt like Grillby. I then also realized that it was really weird for me to like the way he smelled so much. Though, that don't stop me from imagining me and Grillby cuddling on the couch as we were yesterday.
Was it weird that I was imagining me and Grillby cuddling even though we were just friends?

Besides, I highly doubt that he would even like me back. Right now I probably just look like a creep that's addicted to the way my crush smells...He smells like burning firewood, kinda like a campfire. It doesn't have the smell of ash as well, it's honestly really comforting...

I was taken away from my small fantasy when I heard my phone ringing. I poked my head out of the blanket and grabbed my phone. It was Grillby. I nearly dropped my phone a few times before I answered the call.

[Uh h-hi Grillby!]

[Hi (Y/N), how are you?]

[Um I'm good, just a bit tired]

[Did you have a hard time sleeping last night?]

[No not really, it's just that I had to go run some errands so now I'm just a bit tired]

[Oh, well if it's okay with you, do you want to come over to Grillby's and hangout?]

[Uh ya sure! I'll be there in a bit!]

[See you soon (Y/N)]

The phone call then ended as I got off of the couch. I quickly got my stuff and made my way to Grillby's.

I pretty much just ran the entire way there and almost got hit by a car. I'll admit, it was completely my fault. I was walking on a red stoplight at the last second and I guess the driver didn't see me. Anyway, besides almost getting hit by a car and dying, the run to Grillby's only took me a couple of minutes.

Once I was able to finally make my way to Grillby's I opens the door and had to stand in the door way to catch my breath. It took me a minute to finally look at Grillby and even then he still found a way to take my breath away.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now