Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

As usual I woke up to the sound of my alarm before getting out of bed to start my day. Once I put on the outfit I picked out last night I sighed as left my apartment. I had a feeling that today wasn't going to be a good day.

I made my way to work as I walked along people that I usally saw everyday. Everyone was in the same place everyday, it was a routine that everyone followed yet no one ever told us to. All of us hated it yet everyday they did it, its not like any of us really had an option, I knew a lot of them were in a similar situation to what I was in.

Hopefully I would be able to change my routine one I started working at Grillby's.

Grillby's POV

I woke up at around 8 before I started to get ready for the day. I put on my work clothes before I decided to relax for a while on the couch as I turned on the tv for some background noise. There was a news report about a how a women was killed a few blocks away from my apartment. I need to remember to tell (Y/N) to get home earlier.

Once it was 8:30 I decided to head to work. The walk there was only a few minutes away and I rarely ran into anyone. Despite the fact that I ran a bar by myself I was definetly not a people person and thankfuly a lot of people that I met also wern't very social.

Once I made my way to the bar I started to get the place ready for business. I made sure the counter and all the tables were all cleaned and polished before I went to the back. I made sure all the dishes were clean before going to make sure I had enough stuff in stock to last me the day. ONce I checked I rememberede that a few days ago I was starting to run out of frying oil.


I sighed as I started to panic a bit. Since I only every sold burgers and fries I knew I couldn't get through the day and I didn't want to close shop for the day. I looked at the time and thankfully it was only 9, technically the bar was now open yet I only started to get business around noon. Sudenly an idea came to mind, since business doesn't come around till noon it would be okay if I left the store for a while and went to the local Wallmart and got my essentials. I would also be able to see (Y/N) and maybe chat with her for a bit. A small smile spread across my face as I thought about seeing her before I quickly brought myself back to reality.

I put a small note on the entrance door saying that I would be out for a bit in case anyone came around at this time. I made sure I had all my essentials on me before I started walking towards the local Wallmart.

(Y/N)'s POV

The day was going along quite nicely, though I still had a gut feeling that somthing bad was just around the corner. I shook my head as I took myself away from my thoughts before I went to go see if there was any customers that needed any help. I walked around for a bit and ended up chatting with a few people here and there that needed to know a few random things.

"Um..h-hello?" A voice spoke from behinde me and I was greeted with a bunny monster that had a bit of a distressed look on her face. She seemed to be around 5'6 and had nice beige fur that looked very well kept. She wore a blue bow, light green sweater, a pair of blue shorts, and some black ankle boots. "Oh, hello, is there anything I can help you with?" I asked her in a calm voice with a small smile on my face. She seemed to be relived with somthing before her posture became less stiff before talking to me again. "Actully could you tell me were the flour is? I've been looking but I havn't been able to find it." She told me with an embarrassed look on her face. "Oh its no problem if I'm being honest I sometimes still get lost myself." I said with a small laugh before I lead her to the aisle were the flour was.

We ended up chating for a while and I learned a few thing about her. Her name was Mary and she had just moved into this part of town a few days ago and was still new to everything. Aperantley she use to live closer to Mt. Ebott but moved closer to the city because one of her friends moved to try and get more buisness with a small shop they owned and she decided to move in with them in an apartment on the edge of town.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora