Chapter 11

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Grillby's POV

I was woken up by the feeling of something Midnight putting their paw on my face a few times. Once it was clear I was awake the stoped bothering me and went back to their box. I took note to my surroundings and realized I was still at (Y/N)'s place.

(Y/N) was currently asleep and looked really peaceful. Though, she was currently asleep on my chest and seems to be having a good dream so I decided against waking her up. Unfortunately that meant I couldn't move probably without taking the risk of waking her up. Though, I didn't really mind having to stay with (Y/N).

I was able to get my phone that was on the coffee table and realized it was as around 10pm. (Y/N) and me hadn't eaten since around noon so I suppose it made sense I felt hungry. I don't want to wake her up but decided to take the risk and moved her to the other side of the couch. Thankfully I didn't wake her up and made my way towards the kitchen. I turned on a dim light that wasn't that barely bright enough to make a difference but it don't disturb (Y/N) so I was okay with it. Midnight got out of their box at one point when I wasn't looking and was trying to get into their food bag. It obviously didn't work but they seemed very determined to have a late night meal.

I let out a small laugh before I went to grab the bowl (Y/N) had used for Midnight earlier today. I the scooped up some cat food into the bowl and put the bowl on the floor for Midnight. They started eating their food but it honestly looked as if they were just inhaling it. I decided not to question how they don't choke on their food.

I opened the fridge and saw that it was practically empty. Is that why (Y/N) always came to me to get a free meal? I don't blame her though, I would gladly take a free meal if I was able to. I decided to push the thought away and closed the fridge door and decided to check the freezer. I was instantly hit with a gust of cold air and quickly moved out of the way. I'll admit that was completely my fault and that I should have remembered to move out of the way beforehand.

It had startled me quite a bit but thankfully my flame wasn't affected by the cold air. I took in a quick deep breath before I was able to stop shaking and calmed myself down. I looked into the freezer and saw there was at least 20 packs of frozen chicken nuggets. I just stood there for a few seconds before I decided to just grab the closest box. I then quickly closed the freezer and put the box on the counter. I couldn't tell if I was or wasn't surprised at how much (Y/N) liked chicken nuggets. Though, at the same time it just seemed like something (Y/N) would do.

I opened the box and put some chicken nuggets on a small plate. I was debating if I should use my magic to warm to warm them up or if I should just put them in the microwave. If I put them in the microwave then the noise might wake up (Y/N). On the other hand, if I use my magic there is a small chance I might burn down her apartment.
I'll just use the microwave.

Wait...should I make some for (Y/N) as well? She's also probably hungry and I doubt she'll say no to chicken nuggets. I grabbed another small plate and put the same amount of chicken nuggets that I was having. I then put the two plates in the microwave and set the time for a few minutes. I was hesitant to start start the microwave but convinced myself that it would be perfectly fine. Besides, even if (Y/N) was mad at me for waking her up I highly doubt she would be mad at me for making her food. I quickly pressed the start button on the microwave and internally cringed at the loud sound it made. Thankfully, the humming noise that came after was fairly quiet.

I heard a bit of shuffling in the background and wasn't surprised when I was (Y/N) half awake with the blanket from earlier wrapped around her. She walked up to me and leaned against me as she was fighting the urge to stay awake. "Are those chicken nuggets?!" She asked as her mood immediately spiked. "Ya sorry I got hungry and assumed you would want some as well." I told her as I made my way back to the couch. She quickly followed behind me and sat down next to me. She then grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. She started searching for a for a movie for a few minutes before she found what she was looking for. (F/M) had stared playing and (Y/N) seems quite happy about it.

[(F/M) stands for Favorite Movie in case you didn't know.]

I heard the sound of the microwave beeping and got up from the couch. I grabbed both of the plates before I brought them back the couch. (Y/N) was smiling from ear to ear as she was also trying not to fall if the edge of the couch. She immediately took the plate from my hands and started practically inhaling her food. I'm pretty sure that she didn't breathe while she was eating and that she also burned her tongue. Though, she seemed to be completely unfazed by the fact that she probably burned her tastebuds off. I sat down next to (Y/N) and started to eat my food. Me and (Y/N) continued to watch (F/M) and it looked really interesting.

~Time skip~

The movie had just finished and (Y/N) was currently ranting about why (F/M) was the best film ever made while walking in circles. It was really cute to see her so happy and passionate about something she enjoyed. Her rant lasted around a good 30 minutes before she got tired and sat back on the couch.

She leaned against me and managed to fall asleep in a few seconds. I smiled at her before I realized I should probably take her to her room. There was only two rooms and I remembered which one was the bathroom so I assumed the other was her bedroom. I gently picked her up and took her into her room. I honestly felt kinda bad for entering her room without her permission but I also didn't feel like waking her up to ask.

I entered her room and put (Y/N) to bed. She had a fairly simple room with a regular sized bed, a night stand, a dresser, and a small desk in the corner. Though she did have a lot of random stuffed animals around the room and also a small mountain of blankets on the floor. Wait...she said that she didn't have any extra blanket since she lived alone. So, did she want to have to share a blanket with me? I blushed at the thought and quickly brushed it off. I noticed on the ceiling she had at least 7 bisexual pride flags. I guess she really is Bi, it's not like I mind though. As long as she's happy I really don't care who she's attracted to.

I left her apartment and made my way towards the forth floor. I soon arrived at my apartment and unlocked the door. My apartment was pretty much the same as (Y/N)'s but it had a slightly larger kitchen. Despite the very small difference my rent each month was quite expensive. I sometimes regret it but I love cooking so much that I really don't care that much. I closed the the door behind me and went to go get ready for bed. Once I was done I wasn't that tired but decided to try and get some rest. Surprisingly I was able to fall asleep rather easily and soon was driven into a dreamless sleep.

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