Chapter 15

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Grillby's POV

I looked at (Y/N) in concern for a few seconds before I decided to drop the topic. I don't know what made her start crying but I wish I could help. The only problem was that she wouldn't tell me but I didn't want to force her to tell me. Her injury seems to be pretty bad but it wasn't to the point were she need to go to the hospital. Though it was going to take quite a while to fully heal. I feel really bad the I want able to stop her from getting hurt, I just wish I had found out what was going on sooner.

It was around midnight because of how long my break was and I decided to close it up the place instead of trying to keep it open until 2am like I usually do. Besides, the night had been pretty hard for (Y/N) and I didn't want her to have to work anymore.

I quickly closed up the place for the night and me and (Y/N) made our way to the apartment building. The walk back was really tense and awkward but I didn't know how to start a conversation at the moment. She seemed to be pretty shaken up from what happened earlier and was on edge the entire time.

I let out a small sigh before reaching into my pocket and pulled out a half empty cigarette box. I grabbed one of the cigarettes and used a small amount of magic on my finger to light it.

"You smoke?" I turned my head and realized it was (Y/N) who asked the question.

"Ya sorry, are you okay with it?"

"Don't worry I don't mind it."

"Thanks, it just really helps with stress." I told her as we continued walking.

"Aren't they dangerous for you?"

"Well, yes and no. Normal human cigarettes are harmful but these are monsters cigarettes. Their made of magic and were made because not all monsters can properly use them since a lot of monsters can't properly use cigarettes for  variety of reasons. Their only about a forth as dangerous as humans ones but they can still harm you and become an addiction."

"Oh cool I never knew that. How long have you been smoking for?"

"Only a few years. I started a little while before monsters were released and once I made it to the surface I started doing it every so often."

"Can humans smoke them?"

"Technically they can, it's not to different from a human cigarette."

"Can I try one?"

"Are you sure? They still harm you."

"Ya I'm sure, besides I don't really care and just want to try it."

I grabbed another cigarette from the box and gave it to (Y/N). I the lit it with using my magic. "So do you also smoke?" I asked her as we continued our walk.

"Not really but I started doing it after a break up I went through in college. I normally don't smoke now but I'll do it if I have a hard day at work."

"You know I never took you for a person that would smoke." I admitted as we finally reached the apartment building. We ended up staying outside for a while more and just talked.

It felt like the classic cliché you see in comics when the two characters talk late at night in the moonlight. It felt nice, like this was suppose to be happening. I want to tell her about my crush on her but I felt like I just couldn't do it. It felt like the perfect moment to finally tell her but I didn't want to add more to her plate at the moment.

It was close to 1 in the morning yet I didn't even feel tired. It just felt so great to be around (Y/N). We both ended up sitting on a bench under a streetlight while talking and laughing.

Eventually (Y/N) wanted to go inside since she said she had gotten a bit tired. I honestly felt a bit disappointed that I couldn't spend more time with her. I knew I was going to see her later so that would be nice.

Me and (Y/N) made our way back into the apartment building and we made our ways back to our floors. After good night to her we both went out separate ways. Thought I wish I had at least walked her to her apartment.

I don't know why but I could have sworn it felt like someone was watching us.

I'm assuming that (Y/N) had felt the same way because she clearly wasn't tired. Once I got to my apartment I sat on the couch and realized I had a text from (Y/N).

[Hey can I ask you a weird question?]


[Did you feel like you were being watched while we were outside?]

[Ya I felt like someone was stalking us]

[Okay good I'm not going crazy lol]

[Don't worry about it.]
[Ir you don't feel safe you can stay home tomorrow if you want]

[No I should be good my morning]

[You sure? You had a pretty hard night]

[Can I stay at your place for the night?]

[Do you want me to pick you up from your place so you don't have to be alone?]

[Ya thanks]

[Okay so you in a bit]

I sent the text before going to go pick up (Y/N). I was really happy about being with her for a while longer and speed walked the entire time.

I soon reached her apartment and knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw (Y/N) wearing a simple T-shirt with some shorts. It was the same outfit that she wore the night we found Midnight. She currently had a plushie in her arms and used it to cover most of her face. We then made our way back to my apartment.

We soon got there and I unlocked the door and let (Y/N) in. She stepped in with a small "thank you". I then closed the door behind us and walked up to her.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? You still seem pretty on edge right now."

"Uh ya, I guess I'm still a bit tense from everything that's happened today." She said with a nervous laugh.

"I don't blame you. Don't worry though, you can just chill here for the night."

"Thanks Grillby."

"No problem. Besides, I love being able to spend time with you this much." I admitted as I stared blushing.

"I rally like being with you this much too." (Y/N) told me in a voice that was barely audible. She stuffed her face into her plushie and the room filled with awkward silence.

After a few seconds we heard a small scratching sound at the door. Both me and (Y/N) looked at each other on confusion and waited to hear it again. After a few seconds instead of scratching we heard...meowing?

(Y/N) immediately got excited and went to go open the door. She opened the door and saw Midnight standing there.

"Midnight!" (Y/N) whisper shouted as she brought the feline into the room. She then closed the door behind her and locked it.

"How did Midnight manage to get here?" I asked in a confused voice. "I honestly don't know. I think it's magic since something similar happened before." She told me as she pet Midnight. I decided to not question whatever magic powers Midnight had sat on the couch right next (Y/N).

Soon (Y/N) started to get a bit tired but was clearly trying to fight it. She then leaned against me and fell asleep pretty quickly. Blush covered my face as I pulled both of us to the side of the couch and laid us both down. I gently wrapped my arms around her and we soon were both asleep in each other's arms.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now