Chapter 8

346 10 11

(Y/N)'s POV

My vision was blurred as I sat up from my bed. It was still dark outside so it must have been early morning. It wasn't exactly rare for me to wake up at early morning since my body was just use to having a fucked up sleep schedule.

I let out a small sigh as I got out of bed and grabbed my phone. I was correct about it being morning and it was currently 4am.

My attention was immediately drawn to outside where a small cat was. It was a black cat and was standing under a streetlight. It seemed to be looking ahead at something that I couldn't see.

Should I go outside and pet the cat, or should I go back to sleep?
I want to go pet the cat.

I grabbed a simple (F/C) shirt with a pair of black shorts. I quickly changed out of my pajamas and started to head out of my apartment. Just as I was about open the door to get out my apartments though came to me.

Should I tell Grillby I'm going out?

I really didn't want to wake him up right now but I also didn't want to go outside at 4am in the morning without someone else. Grillby had told me that there was a woman that got killed a few blocks from our apartment building. Plus, Mary was attacked and almost killed the other day. Bad things usually only happened late at night but since it was still dark out I didn't want to risk it getting hurt.

Should I text Grillby and ask him to come look at the cat with me? Would it be weird to ask someone to go out side with you to go pet a cat at 4 in the morning?

...Ya that's probably really weird...

I let out a sigh of defeat before pulling out my phone and texting Grillby.

[Hey Grillby]
[you awake right now?]

I sent the text before I could start overthinking if I should have been texting him at this hour. I knew there was a good chance that he was asleep right now and would see the message in a few hours once he woke up.

I looked at the window again to see if the cat was still there and to my delight it was. It seemed to be relaxing under the street light and was probably half asleep. I really wanted to go just scoop up the cat and take it back to my apartment but I also knew it would try to attack me if I did that. I flinched when I heard my phone get a message. Wait...did I Grillby actually respond to me at 4 in the morning?! I quickly grabbed my phone out my pocket before almost accidentally dropping at least 3 different times. Once I was able to have my phone securely in my hands I checked who it was that had messaged me.

[Did you need something?]

[Sorry did I I wake you up?]

[Not really]
[I woke up a few minutes ago and you happend to text me]
[Are you okay?]

[Ya don't worry I'm fine]
[Can I ask you a small favor?]


[I know this sounds weird but could you go outside with me so I can go pet a cat?]

[Sure I'll be on the main floor in a few minutes]


I put away my phone before heading down to the main floor. I got into the elevator and before I knew it I was on the main floor staring outside.

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now