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Long ago, two races rulled over earth:
Humans and Monsters.

They lived in peace together for years untill one day war broke out between the two races.

The battle was long and hundreds of lives were lost, but in the end the humans were victorious.

They used the souls of 7 of the most powerfull wizards they had and trapped the monsters underground with a magic spell that could only be broken with the power of 7 human souls.

The monsters started to rebuild their own versions of civilization in the underground in hopes of being able to start a new a better life for themselves.

Soon the underground was divided into 5 main sections that were all difrent and uniqe.

First there was the Ruins, that had a color scheme of mostly purple and bits of greenery from overgrown vines that covered a lot of the walls.

Then there was Snowdin, which as the name suggests, was cover in snow and had a small town. This consisted of an Inn, a small shop, a library, and a bar .

Next was Waterfall which was a peacefull area that was had multiple waterfalls and were home to special flowers called "Echo Flowers". The flowers had the abillity to repeate the last thing they had heard.

After Waterfall the was Hotland that was filled with lava which made it extremely dangerous for anyone who couldn't handle the heat or was clumsy and idiotic enough to go near the lava.

In Hotland there was a structure that was known as "The Core". No one knows who built its but its purpose was to bring energy to the underground alowing monsters to be able to grow food and live comfortably.

Lastly there was New Home. It was home to the King and Queen of the Underground and was were most of the monster population lived due to there to being a large city with hundreds of homes to live in.

After a few years passed the King and Queen had a child named "Asriel". One day the young prince found a young human child that he became best friends with. The human was adopted by the king and queen and everyone was delighted to have a new face around.

Unfortunately, one day the human child grew deadly ill. Their dying wish was to see the golden flowers from their villiage from the surface. So once they passed the prince took their soul and was able to pass through the barrier but not break it and and went to the humans villiage. Once the villigiars saw that  there was a dead human body in the monsters hands they had assumend the monster had killed them. They attacked them yet the prince refused to fight back, hurt and beaten, he returned to the underground with the dead human still in their arms. Upon arivial he died on a bed of golden flowers due to his severe injuries. The King and queen were devastated to find out they had lost two of their children in a single day.

The king, blinded by his rage, made a new rule that made it so that any other human that fell into the underground would be killed and their sould would be collected untill they could break the barrier. The queen on the other hand tried to keep peace between humans and monsters. The king refused to change the rule and in sorrow the queen left him and returned to living in The Ruins.

Through out the following years 6 other humans had been unfortunately to fall down. And because of King Asgore's rule, all 6 were killed.

Then one day a human child named Frisk fell down and adventured through out the underground and managed to befriend every monster they encountered. Soon they made it all they way to Asgores castle and fought untill they were able to talk to him and they agreed to spare each other.

Frisk was then able to use the 6 human souls and all monster souls to be able to finally break the barrier.

Once the monsters came to the surface humans were a lot more accepting than they were when they had seeled them underground and didn't seem to mind the monsters living on the surface. It took a few months for everyone to get use to the way of life but there was a small amount of people that didn't like monsters and humans living together.

But that all happened 3 years ago and now monsters and humans live together in harmony.

Well, for the most part anyway.

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