Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV

For a few seconds if felt as if the world had stopped. I couldn't see or hear anything around me. All I could see was Damian wih a twisted smile on his face.

The feeling of dread was coming from him yet I still didn't know why. Not knowing why he made me feel to terrible only made me more terrified of simply being in his presence.

"Is there any thing I can help you with?" Damian asked the both of us. Kattie was able to read my expereshion and decided to hand the letter to him instead of making me do it. "Hey uh... this is (Y/N)'s 2 week notice, she was able to find a job opportunity somewere else so she won't be working here much longer."

Damian looked at me in surprise for a few seconds before his attention was drawn back to the letter. He took it out of Kattie's hand before he spoke again, "(Y/N) if I may ask, were did you find your new job opertunity at?". The tone of his voice made it sound like the question was more of an order. Since I had so much of a bad feeling around him I thought it would be better to tell him rather than see what he would be like once he got mad.

"I managed to find a job at Grillby's. It's a bar that's only around 10 minutes away..."  I stated while I nervously looked at the ground and avoiding eye contact. He let out a small hum before he started to walk away. The feeling of him being less close to me made me a lot more calm but it wasn't long until he stopped. He was only a few more feet away from me than he was earlier but still close enough for me to hear him once him speak one last time.

"We'll if the job there doesn't work out I wouldn't mind pulling a few strings to help you get a job here again. I would really hate not being able to see you every day."

His voice was barley audibles yet I was just able to hear him speaking. The tone of his voice made me sick to my stomach. He clearly knew something that I didn't.

My stomach tied into a knot and I clenched it while Kattie started panicking about me. "Hey Damian! Can you help me?!" Kattie yelled at Damian while holding me close to her in an attempt to comfort me. He stoped for a second, clearly being able to hear Kattie's cry for help yet he continued walking. Kattie looked at him in disbelief before she started to help me up from the floor.

I covered my mouth in an attempt to stop myself from throwing up. Thankfully it worked and once Kattie and me were a good distance away from Damian I started to feel a lot better. My head was still spinning a bit but it wasn't unbearable. I let out a small sigh before me and Kattie got a quick ride to her apartment since she didn't want to risk me throwing up.

After the short car ride we paid the driver before we made our way into her apartment. She lived in a really nice apartment and it was surprisingly cheep. I would have moved into the same apartment building but the one I lived in was slightly cheeped and I always saved as much money as possible.

She happened to live on the 7th floor but thanks to the elevator it didn't take long to get there. Kattie was really worried about me going up the elevator but I managed to convince her I was fine. If I was being honest I felt extremely dizzy still and almost threw up a few times. Thankfully she didn't notice though so she wasn't worried about me.

One we got to her apartment door we both went in and I was greeted by a surprisingly clean apartment. Usually her place was a mess since she always procrastinated about cleaning. At fist I was really confused until I was greeted by the sound of a dog barking.

I don't remember what happened the next few seconds but next thing I was underneath what looked to be a golden retriever. It wasn't trying to attack me so I guess that was good. I quickly started showering it with attention and cuddling it.

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