Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was awoken by the sunlight that came through the curtains as I began to get up. I got ready and put on a quick outfit that I had picked out the day before in order to save time. Once I was ready I garbed my apartment keys, phone, and wallet. I checked the time and it read "5:50 AM". "Just on time." I mumbled to my self as I left my apartment and went on my way to work.

I worked at the local Wallmart that was surprisingly close to my apartment and it only took 10 minutes to walk there.

Once I entered the back I but on my work clothes and went to go pretend to be busy doing literally anything. The job itself seemed easy enough with stacking shelves, helping customers, and just doing things here and there. It was the people I was with all day that made my life a living hell. My manager was an asshole and I always managed to end up with the worst customers. The only reason I didn't quit already was because the pay was enough for my rent, food, and made it so that I was able to live comfortably. "I really need to find a better job than this..." I said under my breath as I spotted someone in the corner of my eye. "Hey (Y/N)! How are you today?" my coworker yelled at me once she saw. "Kattie please stop yelling its to early and your only 20 feet away from me." I said as I glared at her. "Sorry about that." she said nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck. "No its...fine. I'm just really tired today." I said as I sighed. "Have you have trouble sleeping again?" She asked me as we both started to stalk the shelves in front of us with can a soup like substance. "Ya I guess. Though I did manage to get 2 hours of sleep. My body just decided to hate me and didn't let me sleep until around 3am." I responded to her. "You should really try some sort of sleep medication if its that bad." Kattie said as she looked at me with a concern in her eyes. "I guess your right. I'll get some after work today." I said as Kattie started to talk about something that had happened after work yesterday. I honestly wasn't listening and just nodded ever once in a while before the store started to be filled with more and more people. "...I have a feeling that today going to be a long day..." I said to myself as I started to go find something to go do.

"Hey (Y/N) go clean up aisle 7. There was a spill and I need to go do something." A voice spoke behind me. I turned around and saw my manager Damian with a sly grin on his face. "Sure" was all I said to him as I headed to aisle 7 go clean up the spill that he had told me about. While I cleaned up the floor I saw Damian staring at me with an evil look in his eye. I looked away from his gaze and soon cleaned up the mess and realized that he was still looking at me with the exact same expressions he had a few minutes ago.

He didn't have anything to do in the first place. He easily could have cleaned up the mess himself yet he chose me. He knew how much I hated this job and he always found a way to make it more miserable. I don't know why he chose to mess with me so much, he never seemed to do it to any of the other people I worked with. He just really hated me and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I sighed as I got up and went to go find Kattie so I could take my mind off how much I hated working here.

~Time skip to the end of your shift~

"Hey (Y/N) there's this restaurant that I found out about and I wanted to try it do you want to come with me?" Kattie asked as she pulled her long dirty blonde hair into a high ponytail. "Oh cool, whats the place called?" I asked as I took out my phone and as I expected it was 3 pm. "Uh...Grillby's? I think its called that. Its suppose to be a bar but apparently they sell really good burgers and fries there." she said happily as we both started to make our way out of the store."Oh yeah I've pass by there on my way here everyday. I wonder if its as good as I've heard it is." I replied while putting my phone back in my pocket. "YAY! We can go try it together then! Come on lets go, its on me tonight!" she yelled excitedly as she began to speed walk. "Thanks, besides I'm hungry." I told her as she lead the way to Grillby's.

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