Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

Despite the fact that I was able to sleep for a few hours my brain decided that I need to be awake at 2 in the morning. I let out a small sigh before I finally got out of bed and went to grab something to eat.

I open the door to my room and checked to see if Kattie's room door was open. It's wasn't so I pulled myself away from my room and went to the fridge. As soon as I opened the fridge I remember that she didn't have anything besides the poisoned left overs she had. Fuck, there's nothing edible for me to eat and I'm currently starving. I sighed in defeat before closing the fridge door and I went back into my room. I crawled back into bed before checking my phone. To my surprise I actually had a message, it was from Grillby.

[Hey (Y/N) just wanted to make sure that your okay. I know I must have made you uncomfortable today. I'm sorry]
[Please forgive me.]

The text was sent around midnight and I assume he sent it after he closed up the restaurant. Should I respond? Or should I wait until morning? I could just respond now and then later once he has time he can reply. That should work right?

I let out a shaky sigh before I started to type my message. Please don't let me mess this up.

[Its fine Grillby if anything I'm just happy  that you told me everything that had happened with Damian.]

I stared at the text for a few seconds while slightly shaking. Is the message to long? How should I make it shorter? Will I just be bothering him for texting him at 2 in the morning? Why the fuck do I stress over everything so much?!

It took me a few minutes of trying to convince myself to send the message. Its not like it'll be bothering him right? If he's tired he'll probably be asleep and I doubt that he'll have the energy to check my message and will reply in the morning. It's fine, everything will be fine.

I took a deep breath in before I was able to send the message. The sound of the text message sending haunted me for a few seconds before I saw something that surprised me. He read my message and was responding...wait...HE WAS RESPONDING!

What the fuck was I supposed to say? Was he going to ask why I'm awake at this hour? How the fuck am I supposed to respond to that?

Oh hey Grillby, I'm just awake cause my sleep schedule is fucked so I wake up really early and go to sleep at midnight!

If I said that Grillby would just get more worried about me than he already is. I hate it when people feel like they have to worry about me 24/7. Or when people have to make sure that I can take care of myself just because I'm by myself most of the time. I know people do it to make it feel like I can talk to them when I need to. Yet, all it really does is make me hate them because of how much they pity me to feel better about themselves.

[Thanks for not being mad at me (Y/N).]
[Also if I may ask, why are you still up at this hour?]

[I couldn't sleep ]
[Whats your reason for still being awake?]

[Same as you]
[Are you doing okay right now?]
[When I saw you and Kattie you still didn't look quite yourself.]

[I was just feeling a little bit sick]
[I'm feel a lot better don't worry]

[I'm glad to hear that your feeling better]
[Do you know when you'll be able to start working with me?]

You set my heart on fire. (Grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now