Jeong estate

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"And what did you say?" I question.

She looks at the ground nervously."Well..I haven't replied yet. I wanted to speak with you first and of course lady Jisoo who's still my boss."

I quickly run to her and engulf her in a big hug. "Say yes, go be happy and as for Jisoo don't worry about her I'll talk to her, I'll make her understand." I say a few tears slip from my eyes.

"You can visit us at her city house it's very beautiful there." She says enthusiastically trying to hide her tears with laughter but I feel my shoulder getting wet.

"I will if Jisoo let's me- No, scratch that I'll definitely come visit you." I say smiling.

"Look at us both crying like idiots as if I'm leaving right now." She says giggling.

"I can't help it I'm going to miss you." I say wiping a few tears.

"Rosé your help is needed in the kitchen, dinner is about to be served soon." Bertha the head maid calls to her looking as serious as ever with her tight bun.

"Crap, I have to go I'll see you later. Wouldn't want to get on her bed side cause even though I'm leaving I still work here." She says letting go of my hand and heading back to the house.

"Wait, can I help?" I ask because I want to hang out with my friend more before she leaves.

"Uh..... Would Jisoo allow that? Besides I can handle it by myself it's not difficult work." She says a bit nervously. I place my hand on her shoulder and slightly squeeze. "Don't worry about that I'm used to working hard, just because I know live like this doesn't mean I can't do anything you know."

"You're right let's go."

For the next half an hour I help Rosé and other servants cook dinner. They too were reluctant at first but I managed to convince them that Jisoo won't have their heads for making me cook. I was very happy with the final product and couldn't wait for Jisoo to taste it.

I return back to our bedroom after setting everything up and waiting for the right time. To my surprise i open the door to find Jisoo buttoning the last button of her button up shirt. She next puts a blue suit that not only looks good on her but looks too formal for just a normal dinner.

"Going somewhere?" I ask not making my surprise too noticeable. "I'm going out, matter of fact we are going out. Change you have 30 minutes before the carriage gets here."

"What! I thought we were just going to have normal dinner here." I reply.

"Change of plans I got an invite to a prestigious dinner party hosted by the Jeong family and I'm not about to decline. We can eat there, now hurry up." She kisses my forehead and exist the room.

"But-but I cooked for you." I say complaining to no one but myself.

Despite not wanting to I change out of my clothes and wear an evening gown instead. It's black and shiny and has a slit exposing my creamy thigh. It drags behind me when I walk. I accessorize the look with matching earrings and a  black purse.

I put on light make up and make my way out the door. I descend the stairs with loud clicks of my heels. I walk out the door to find Jisoo conversing with the coachman. I wait there waiting for her to notice me.

When she finally does her eyes widen with surprise but the surprise soon gets replaced by something much darker. "You look ravishing my love." She whispers in my ear.

"If we weren't headed to the party I'd rather have it off you." She says kissing my ear softly.

"Too bad." I say before walking away from her touch and heading towards the coach. The nice coachman helps climb on and I look back to see Jisoo  surprised at my sudden act of bravery.

She soon joins me and the carriage speeds away to the Jeong estate.

I'm planning on ending this story with the next five chapters to start writing the Jisoo (Ceo) and Jennie (student) that a reader requested. So the chapters are going to be longer and a lot more will be happening stay tuned. ✌️

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