It worked?

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The past few days were brutal. I would wake up screaming from nightmares. Feeling like crawling out of my skin. Not to mention the never ending headaches. But now when I wake up a lot has changed.

I open my eyes slowly, because they hurt. Immediately light floods into my eyes. I place my hand infront of my face shielding my eyes from the harsh light. I don't remember there being light in the basement-ish room. I thought to myself.

"That's because you're not in the basement-ish room, your in another room Jennie." I look in the direction where the voice came from and I find Jisoo in a spaghetti strap dress thats loose and very flowy at the base.

" ?" I ask in confusion.

"A new found ability given by the Jade serpent. You'll soon be able to do it too. Read minds that is." She says.

"So it worked?" I ask.

"What do you mean don't you feel it. Don't you feel the Jade's power in your veins." Jisoo asks with raised brows. "Of course I do." I laugh nervously.

"I'm so happy that you're finally one of us my love. Now you and I can spend eternity together." Jisoo says hugging me tightly. I return the hug and we spend close to 5 minutes hugging. Although I can't help but feel guilty at the fact that I lied to her about the turning working.

Truth is I don't feel any different. I feel as human as the day I was born. "I can't wait to have you fully back. A week has been long enough." She purrs into my ear.

"That's how long this has been going on?" I ask eyes wide. "Yes, and you did so good, for most it takes longer." She says with a proud smirk on her face. "Can you walk?" She asks.

"I..I don't know am I not supposed to?" I ask her back confused. She however doesn't answer me instead she laughs and answers." You silly girl."

She surprises me by sliding her arm underneath my legs and arms and she picks me up from the bed. I immediately sink into her warmth and inhale her scent which I've missed lately. "Where are going?" I ask once we are out of the room and climbing up the stairs.

"The bedroom of course. I told I've waited long enough." She whispers the last part when a servant is passing next to us. I can't help but shiver at her words. We soon reach Jisoo's distinguishable door. She opens it and we enter.

"We are here darling." She says. I look around the room and find that it has changed. Everything from furniture to the silk sheets is now a deep shade of red as opposed to the previous black. "I knew you'd love it, the sheets especially." She says with a sexy chuckle.

She puts me down on my feet and I immediately cling to her due to my legs feeling like jelly.

"My, I guess you can't walk after all. This might hinder the activities I had in mind for us, but I'm sure you can take it. You are a vampire now after all." She says with the smirk still present on her face.

She then places her hands on my hands which are clutching onto her dress preventing me from falling down. My eyes widen when she removes my hands from her dress and steps back. My weak legs fail to support me and I fall to the fall in a kneeling position.

I try to reach out to her but she steps back again. “Please!" I say helplessly. She smirks and closes her eyes breathing in deeply.

"It's exactly how I imagined it. You on your knees begging for me."


Jisoo sure has changed or was she always like that.🤔

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