The turning

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Sacrifice - From fifty shades of grey🎶

To say I was surprised at her question would be a life because I was already expecting it. But that didn't stop my heart rate speeding up from getting anxious.

"Well no, I never really thought about it. So far I've only seen vampires as cruel monsters so I guess I never had the time to think about what it be like to be one of them." I say honestly.

"That's fair enough." She replies.

We keep dancing for a while until she stops causing me to stop also. She takes my face into her hands and smiles very sweetly at me. "I don't want to seem like I'm rushing you or process but but my darling I'm afraid the time has come." She says with the smile still on her face.

I take a rough gulp before asking "time for what."

Her smile grows wider and her eyes darken even more. "It's time for you to become one of us. For you and I to become one and embrace our love before the sacred serpent." She says.

"You me?" I ask in disbelief. Up until now I hadn't believed that a thing such as love existed. That I Jennie Kim could ever be loved, much less by a vampire.

"Of course my love. And once you and I become one our love will be even stronger." She says.

A blush creeps unto my face and I say with a smile. " I think I've fallen in love with you too." I say more of the pink color spreading on my cheeks. She kisses both of them.

"So you want to turn me?" I ask.

"Yes my love what do you say?" She questions.

"Will it hurt?" I ask afraid of the possible pain.

"Yes, but I'll try to be as gentle as I can and make the process as painless as possible." She says.

After her words I truly believe that she has my best interest in her heart. "Alright let's do it." I say.

"We'll begin after the guests start leaving. For now let's just enjoy the party with the rest of the people." She says with a smile.

For the rest of the evening we mingle with the guests while Jisoo introduces me to some of them. The most interesting one I find to be Lady Hwasa. The woman has beautiful features which are quiet rare. And she and Jisoo have history, not the sexual kind though. But that they both went to school together.

I would have to talk to her one day so she can tell me all the funny and juicy stories about Jisoo's childhood. She's also very kind and has an infectious smile. I believe that I also added her to me very small friend list.

Jisoo puts her hand on my small back and directs me to the front door where we say goodbye to the guests when it's finally time for them to leave. My heart beat quickens with each guest that's leaving because I know what will follow soon after.

She closes the door once the final guest has left. She then turns to me and asks. "Are you ready?"

I release a nervous breathe before nodding as a replies.

"Rosé, Momo!" She shouts.

The two girls come rushing into the room they too dressed very glamorously.

"They'll be helping us with the turning." She says looking at me.

"Is it a difficult process?" I ask her.

"Not at all." She replies calmly. "I just want to make sure that you're as comfortable as possible." She adds.

"Ladies if you would please escort Jennie to the room. I'll meet you there shortly there's some things I need to take care of first." They nod and lead me to the said room. We go down a flight of stairs to somewhat of a basement that I've never seen.

Rosé turns the light on and the room comes to live. I get surprised at the sight of it. It looks just like any other normal room, with a bed, wardrobe and even a sofa. I wonder if we'll be doing the ritual here.

"First you have to take off your clothes. We have to bath you in certain ointments for the ritual." Momo says while looking at me.

I unzip the dress letting it fall on the ground. I look at the girls and they immediately turn around to give me privacy. After I've taken off all my clothes I wrap myself in a white towel. "I'm done you can turn around now."

They turn back around and begin leading her to the bathroom. Once there I find that there's already tub full of water. The two other ladies busy themselves with pouring all kinds of things in the tub, while I just watch them curiously.

By the time their done a sweet scent of roses has filled the tiny space and there are a few of the dancing on top of the water. The water itself has gone from plain to pink. Momo motions for me to get in. I unwrap the towel around myself and this time they don't bother turning around.

I get into the tub and sit down. Now the two women busy themselves with washing my body. Rosé washes my hair while Momo washes the rest of my body. I close eyes and relax.

This kind of treatment makes me feel kinda special, like a princess.
But that relaxed feeling goes away when I remember what comes after this. I open my closed eyes and say. "What really happens during the turning?"

Both of them stop for a bear but then continue with their work. "It's not very complicated. Your host, who's the person that's going to turn you bites you and you endure a huge amount of pain and that's about it, but!" Rosé says

Oh oh here it comes. "In your case it's quite complicated since the JADE SERPENT will be involved, somehow." Momo say nonchalantly.My eyes widen at her words and I immediately ask.

"I'm going to be forced to sleep with the snake right?"

The two woman look at me and shrug their shoulders. What the heck am I getting myself into.

A double update for all your troubles.🌼

Gimme y'all's number so we can chat on Whatsapp if you got it🌼

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