Cinder: Guess.

Watts: The silver-eyed girl?

Cinder looks stern and grunts as acknowledgement.

Watts: It will be done.

Salem: Good.

The image of Salem disappears from the Seer Grimm to show the connection has ended.

Watts: Seems Qrow was right, Lionheart. The students aren't pushovers.

In the Land of Darkness, Cinder is clearly unhappy.

Salem: You're free to speak your mind.

Cinder: I don't understand. Working with bandits? Keeping Ruby alive? What's the point? We're strong enough to take what we want by force!

Salem: Never underestimate the usefulness of others. Take Leonardo; he was one of Ozpin's most trusted, and yet now... (chuckles) You will have the power I promised you, when the time is right. But remember that it comes with a cost. If Ruby Rose has learned to harness her gift, then you must take care to protect yours. There's only so much I can do to aid you.

Cinder bows to Salem and goes to exit the room.

Salem: And Cinder, before you go, inform Tyrian... (her smile turning to a frown) that I wish to have a word with him.

Cinder smiles, nods in acknowledgement of Salem's order and turns, leaving the room. A few seconds after she disappears from view, the loud noise of the door immediately transitions to the next scene.

To Semi-Perfect Cell floating above an archipelago reflecting on recent events.

SEMI-PERFECT CELL: (thinking) So I'm a hair's breath from perfection, and then Triclops shows up and decides, "I'm just gonna turn triangles into f**king squares!" Then (Y/N) shows up--apparently he can teleport--gotta look into that later! But at the very top of this long list of stupid questions is (out loud) WHERE...ARE YOU... 18?!?

Shift over to Androids 16 and 18 on an island, hiding from the Bio-Android.

ANDROID 18: We got lucky. With all these islands, it'll be tough for him to find us.

ANDROID 16: Technically, it's an archipelago. Noun: A group of islands.

ANDROID 18: Thank you, 16.

ANDROID 16: You are welcome.

ANDROID 18: Well, we could sneak away if we could get underwater. 16, are you waterproof?

ANDROID 16: (electricity buzzes from the hole in his head) I was.

ANDROID 18: ...Shit. Then all we can do is wait and hope he just moves on...

(cut back to Semi-Perfect Cell, who is still hovering over the archipelago)


MAN: (calling out from one of the islands) Dude! I know you're having issues with your girl--trust me, I get it--but you're making a scene, man!

SEMI-PERFECT CELL: Can I help you, uh...?

MAN: My name's Tom!

SEMI-PERFECT CELL: Oh, well, hi, Tom! I'll try to make less of a scene while I LIQUIFY YOUR INSIDES AND PROCEED TO DRINK YOU!

TOM: Hey, no need to be hostile, man!

WOMAN: Do you people mind? My child is trying to nap!

TOM: I'm just trying to help this guy out with his lady problems!

The idiot Saiyan of Remnant (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now