Chapter 19

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3 months later 

"Can I take this off already?".

"Not yet beautiful", I told, pulling her along so she wouldn't fall.

"Can I take it off now?", Jaelen pouted.

And I just smile at her childlike ways. 

Ever since my graduation party me and dad  haven't been on speaking terms. Mom  even tried making him apologize to Jaelen for being so judgmental towards her.

Jaelen accepted his apology but I couldn't, I knew he still wasn't 100% on board with our relationship, which was fine with me If he couldn't accept the woman I love then we had nothing to discuss.

Every weekend her and mom get together and have themselves a girls day so they could bond, and I couldn't be any happier.

"Let me do that for you beautiful", I whispered, while kissing her neck and untying the blindfold.

"Baby its beautiful!", Jaelen gasps , as if she's about to cry.

I hope she doesn't start to cry, it breaks my heart when she's upset. Last time she cried was at the end of Titanic when Jack died. And I'm not gonna lie, I cried as well.

"Don't cry baby, come here", I said pulling her into my arms and started rubbing her back.

"D-d-did you do a-all this for m-me?", she said, through her sobs.

"Yes I did" do you like it", I let out a nervous chuckle. 

"Of course I do, I love it", Jaelen told, pulling me down to her level so that our lips could meet.

I pulled her even closer so that she could feel how excited my little friend was getting.

"Mmm", Jaelen moaned, as I started  squeezing her butt. She loves it when I do this.

"Baby as much as I would love to continue this", Jaelen giggled out as I placed butterfly kisses on her neck.

" I wanna enjoy this gorgeous picnic that my boyfriend has put together for us".

Jaelen pulled me along towards the blanket that I had set out for us. With the help of Win and Peter, thank God for them. Because if they didn't help put this together, let's just say that the results wouldn't have been the same.

Jaelen sat between my lap while resting her head on the back of my chest as I fed her some strawberries.

"Mmmm", she let out.

"Hey, beautiful?", I called, looking down admiring her face.

"Yes baby", she smiled up at me. 

Everytime she looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes it makes me wanna take her away from the rest of the world so  I can have her all to myself.

"You know I love you and that I plan on making you my wife someday right?", I asked, and she withdrew her head from my chest to look back at me.

"What are you tryna say?", she curiously asked, and I wasn't sure it almost looked like she was trying to hold back a smirk.

Well there's no turning back now, no matter if it feels like my heart is gonna beat out of my chest at any given moment from how nervous I am.

Here goes nothing I thought, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"Jaelen from the very moment I laid eyes on you it felt like my heart had stopped, but it was at that moment when our eyes met I knew that I had to do everything in me to get close to you", I rubbed her cheek while looking into her adoring eyes.

"I love you Jaelen and I plan on loving you for the rest of my life".

I reached behind my back and pulled out a little blue box that I've been waiting to give her. And what better moment than now.

"I know you say that you wanted to wait at least 3 more years till we got married and I respect your decision, and I want you to know that this is a promise ring, and I'll wait another 17 years if it means I get to hold you in my arms.

Jaelen just looks down at the infinity ring that I place on her finger.

"Always gotta be making a bich cry", Jaelen lets out, then throws herself into my arms and begins showering my face with kisses.

" I love you Theodore".

I smiled, burying my face in the creek of her neck.

"I wove you more beautiful".

Like they say all good things must come to an end, thank you for reading my story It means so much to me ❤️🥺

The next chapter will be the Epilogue As always till next time 😌

The next chapter will be the Epilogue As always till next time 😌

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