Chapter 18

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"Baby you look so sexy in your cap and gown", Jaelen said, as she looked me up and down while biting her lip.

Let me just say she was lucky that we were in a room full of people, otherwise I would have had her In the back room screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Behave yourself, Princess, we have guests", I pulled her close to me and began rubbing her back.

"Congratulations, sweetie", my aunt Max said.

"Thanks, aunt Max", I pulled her into a hug.

She turned to Jaelen looking her up and down while smiling.

"And Jaelen, you don't know how happy I am that Theodore has you", she said, as she hugged the life outta Jaelen.

"I'm gonna go find Kai while you guys chat", I said and began looking around for Kai.

"Hey baby bro", Josh said as he patted me on my back, then pulled me into a hug.

"Congrats on getting that diploma".

" Thanks, Josh", I chuckled. "Hey, you seen Kai around here anywhere?".

"Last time I saw him grandma was chatting him up, so I got away before she saw me", he said, as he grabbed some of the chips that were on the snack table behind us.

I'm not gonna lie, my baby did great with setting all this up. 

From the decorations to the snacks to the board games for the kids, she did all of this for me. And I couldn't help but love her even more for it.

"The things I'm gonna do to her after this is over". I whispered.


"Nothing", I said dismissively.

" Oh I thought you said something", Josh said.

"Sup man", Kai said as he approached both of us.

"Hey", I said.

"Yo nana and pa real funny", he let out a laugh.

"What do they do?", Josh asked, while stuffing his face.

"Peter told her how he and Win got married in Vegas, and she got mad and asked why she wasn't invited".

"And before he could answer yo grandpa told her how he probably just wanted it to be about them". 

"Then your grandpa told us how they got married in secret when they were younger as well, and nana told him to be quiet and stop telling their business". Kai said as the three of us started laughing.

Just as we were coming down Peter came up behind us and wrapped his arms around me and Kai's neck.

"I saw y'all over here laughing and was like I wanna hear the joke too".

" Nah, Kai was just telling us about how nana was on your case for not inviting her to your wedding", Josh laughed . Peter rolled his eyes.

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