Chapter 12

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I already told you guys you didn't have to get me anything", I groaned.

"What kind of Brothers would we be if we didn't take you somewhere special for your 18th birthday?"Josh laughed.

"Understanding ones", I sighed.

Josh and Peter have been here for over a week and I prayed they would just leave me in my room, but nope any opportunity they had to get me out the house they took. Yesterday me, Josh and Kai went to the arcade and stayed for half an hour, while Peter was out with Win.

"Nope!, no can do little bro".

"You only turn 18 once and we're going to make sure it's a very memorable one for you".

"Fine, but are we close?" I asked curiously, "because this blindfold is starting to irritate my skin".

I appreciate my brothers being there for me when I'm going through this difficult time In my life right now. Most people would have probably moved on by now and not walked around moping over a person who didn't want them to begin with. But It was different for me, I genuinely cared about her but instead of telling me she wasn't interested In me, she played with my feelings and hurt me.

"Just one more step and.... Alright, now you can take it off".

"finally" I muttered with irritation.

"Now what-"


I..I don't know what to say are how to react to this.

My brothers actually threw me a surprise party, I'm just speechless right now.

Just looking around the luxurious looking hotel room, there's blue and white balloons, streamers and a snack table set up in the corner, and above it is a banner that says Happy 18th Birthday.

"Happy Birthday little bro, come here" Peter said, as he pulled me into a hug and started messing up my hair.

"Ok, ok I get it" I laughed, pushing him off me.

"So this was the surprise that you were referring to?" I smirked, at Joshua, as he just raised his shoulder and smirked.

"Thank you guys so much for doing all this for me", I smiled.

"Well, we had some help from Winnie," Peter said, with a huge smile on his face and that's when my demeanor completely changed. I haven't talked to her for almost 4 weeks.

I wasn't mad at her or anything, it's just, I'm still hurting from the whole Jealen thing, because I really cared about her and I thought that she felt the same way.

But I guess not, and I'm just not ready to talk to anyone about it because the sad part is I still want her.

I guess Elvis was right when he said only fools fall In love. But I don't regret it.

"And here comes my Winnie bear now" Peter announced, with his eyes closed and his lips out. Win shook her head moving around Peter to get to me.

"Happy 18th Birthday Theodore," she said, pulling me into a hug and completely ignoring Peter.

"Thanks Win" I chuckled, hugging her back. "How ya been?" She pulled away but still kept her hands on my shoulders so she could look me in the eyes.

I'm not sure if I can answer that question because I can always tell when someone was lying, and if I said that I was fine that would be a lie, because my heart is still damaged from the whole Jealen thing. So I'm not sure how to answer this question. Only time will tell.

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