Chapter 3

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We were about 50 minutes or so into the movie, and everyone had their eyes glued to the screen" but my attention was completely focused elsewhere, on a particular someone.

She grabbed a handful of popcorn mixed with the Reese's Pieces she added and stuff them in her mouth, then she licked over those luscious lips of hers as she took a sip from her drink.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she's just so breathtaking, I couldn't help but to look.

She had turned her head a few times throughout the movie, I guess she felt eyes on her, but she never caught me. I would quickly turn away the second her head would start moving, the only evidence left behind is the pinkness that started from my neck up to my face.

Most would say that it's just typical teenage behavior, but for me, it was different because I never really cared that much about chasing after girls or taking them on dates as my brothers did. It was the complete opposite.

With Peter and Josh they never seem like they had a problem talking with girls.

Peter even tried giving me some pointers once. He said that it would be useful if I ever came across a girl that I might like, he attempted to use Win as an example to show me how to flirt with them, but Win didn't find any of his pick up lines amusing.

I didn't see the point in any of it, I told him that I wasn't interested in dating anyone at the time, and my main focus was passing all my classes.

My father wouldn't hesitate to

But here I am right now staring at the most gorgeous girl that I ever laid eyes on. I wouldn't even know how to start a conversation with her, earlier is a prime example, I completely embarrassed myself, not a good first introduction.

My eyes followed Jealen as she and Win stood to their feet and began stretching.

"Well dang, how they go end it with him dying?", that's sum bs" Jaelen let out, and I started looking around and noticed that the lights were back on and everyone was starting to leave.

I let out a sigh.

I was actually looking forward to seeing the movie, me and Kai have been talking about it since the producers announced it. So much for that.

I guess I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that the movie had ended, I didn't even get to see the fight between the two. I let out a sigh and we all began making our way out of the theater, I'll just ask Kai what happened later.

Win began pulling out the parking lot, and Jaelen gave me a little recap of what I missed.

"Bich, I can't believe they killed off my husband like that" Jaelen said, while wiping a fake tear from her eyes. Winifred rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Is it a bit weird that I got a little jealous when she had called him her husband? God, what's going on with me? I don't even know the girl and she already has me feeling some type of way, she's way out of my league and she most likely has a boyfriend already.

"First of all-girl", Win declared while she waited for the light to turn green. "I thought Captain America was your husband?".

"Second, you heard what Bruce said at the end, he putting the Justice League together, so they're most likely making another film, and they can't have no Justice League without Superman, so they might try to resurrect him or something", she shrugged.

Jaelen waved her off.

"Girl who says I can't have two husbands?"Jaelen said, raising her eyebrow looking Winifred up and down.

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