Chapter-4 The meet

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Now Jimin was sitting in a cafe waiting for Jungkook. He came a bit earlier because he wanted himself to be mentally prepared.

After the talk with his uncle Jimin calmed his nerves down and thought about the situation. He had heard about Jungkook. To him it seemed like Jungkook was very well-mannered and a good-hearted person. He also knew his uncle wouldn't want anything bad for him. If he was insisting this much then he should meet Jungkook. He didn't want to make his uncle sad. So for the sake of him he agreed to meet Jungkook.

Jimin was just sitting there when his long train of thoughts broke..

Jungkook: Hey

Jimin looked up to see a very good looking man hovering him. He was just too amazed to see a literal greek god like man standing in front of him. Jimin was internally screaming and drooling over the taller man. He was just so perfect. His eyes...his sharp jawline...his raven black hair...his tattoos and piercings...that leather outfit... everything was screaming daddy material to Jimin....He was too lost in his thoughts that he didn't even knew he was staring at Jungkook like a creep.

Jungkook:Umm hey... You're are Jimin right?- He asked again after seeing the shorter one not responding.

Jimin: Ahmm h-hey...Yes I'm Jimin... You're Jungkook right... Nice to meet you.. - He replied looking all flustered.


If this wasn't for the property and shit I would have never came here in this cheap cafe...

When I reached there...i started looking for Jimin... There he was.. sitting and staring at particularly nothing. I went their and greeted him. But he was just starting like a creep at me... That was when I noticed his facial features... He had very beautiful eyes..had blond hair...soft milky skin...he was very petite and small...his soft dressing style...almost looking like a real doll..and the lips...those were so lucious and plumpy and pink....They were just soo kissable...I mean wouldn't it be amazing kissing those li.......

"What the hell..!! What am I thinking...Shut the hell up!!! I have a wife for god's sake....Stop drooling over this slut!!"- I mentally scolded myself for even thinking about him.

Then I again greeted him...This time he lucky responded. From his expressions I can really tell that he was lusting over me...Who won't?

"So?"- I said.
"Umm...please have a seat.." he said smiling.

After I took the seat there was an awkward silence.

"Okay...lets order something...What would you like to have??" - I asked him.
"I will have have some affogato with extra hazelnut toppings." he replied.

I ordered affogato for him and caramel macchiato with chocolate glazed cheesecake for myself.
Then I glanced at him... He was looking kinda uncomfortable? And i don't why this is seriously bothers me. So I decided to break the silence.

" know you don't have to be comfortable around me...alright...My dad told me that you have a very bubbly personality so just be yourself...okay? Don't be nervous." I told him... Smiling but the smile wasn't reaching my eyes...hopefully he didn't noticed my fake smile.

He them smiled at me and said- "Sorry If I was making it awkward. I'm meeting you for the first time thats why I was kinda nervous."

"Oh no no don't have to be nervous around me...okay?..So now tell me about yourself.."

"Umm...I'm a first year student majoring in business administration. I live with my uncle. I'm also doing some part time job because my uncle is not that financially stable and I don't want to burden him anymore...and I'm a introvert.. so I literally have no social life hehe..I only have my bestfriend. And many people thinks that I am bisexual but I am gay." -he said.. I think he was getting comfortable with me.

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