Chapter 16

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Liz's POV

I was in pain but Eric's arms felt good around me. It had been too long since I felt his touch and smelled his smell. Eric always smelled like gun oil and soap and the scent brought back memories. I could feel how beat up my face was and I really didn't want to see what it looked like. Eric was quiet behind me and his breathing was steady. I turned my head and saw that he was sound asleep. He must have stayed up all night and had to be exhausted. I settled back against him to try and get some sleep too and that's when I realized I was going to throw up. A sudden nausea came over me and I knew I had only seconds before I threw up. There was a bathroom attached to my room and I got up and ran for it. My whole body protested the quick sprint and then the kneeling on the cold floor. I didn't have anything in my stomach so there was nothing to throw up. I sat there dry heaving. I held my hair back as I kept on trying to vomit and nothing was happening. I sat down on the floor and pulled my legs up to my chest. I put my head on my knees. I took deep breaths to try to get the nausea to go away. I heard heavy footsteps then Eric appeared at the door looking panicked.

"Oh Jesus Lizzy you scared me. I thought you were gone." He said.

I sat up again as the nausea got worse. Eric held my hair as I tried again to throw up. His other hand rubbed circles on my back. It was clear I wasn't going to throw up any time soon so I sat back down. Eric handed me a cup of water.

"Here drink this. Are you okay?" He asked.

I took a sip of the cool water and it helped.

"Define okay." I said taking more deep breaths.

He kneeled down next to me and I leaned against him. He smoothed my hair back from my face.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"For coming for me, for us." I replied.

Eric sat down on the floor next to me and pulled me gently onto his lap.

"I will always come for you, Lizzy, always." He said.

I believed him. I knew Eric would never leave me again.

"Eric, I really want to take a shower. I want to wash the blood off and just feel clean." I said.

"Okay but I'm going to help you." He replied.

Eric picked me up in his arms and stood up. He set me down on the toilet.

"I'm just going to make sure the door is locked and that we won't be interrupted. Don't move."

My body was already protesting all the movement I had been doing so I was not going anywhere. Eric came back a moment later. He turned on the water in the shower and took off his clothes. I held up my arms and he pulled the hospital gown off of me. I was not used to needing so much help but in this moment I knew that I needed it. And I knew that Eric needed to help me. He held out his arms and I took them. I stood up and I saw him take a good look at the damage done to my body. I saw fury cross over his face. I couldn't look down to see it but I knew it was there. I remembered each and every cut and bruise. Eric held onto me as we stepped into the shower. I let the warm water fall over me. I leaned back against the solidness of Eric and let the blood and grime wash away. His hands gently brushed soap over my body and cleaned the blood away. I turned to face him. I just needed to be in his arms. I leaned my face against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I could no longer control my emotions and I let them out. I had almost died yesterday and that realization was sinking in. Eric was the rock that I clung to as I cried. He stayed solid and held me through all of it.

"It's okay Lizzy. Everything is alright." He whispered in my ear.

I finished my crying and Eric helped me wash my hair. I was glad to be clean but now I was exhausted. I could feel my body giving out on me from too much standing. It was like Eric could sense it and he picked me up into his arms. He helped me dry off and change into a clean gown. Eric carried me to the bed and gently set me down. He put his clothes back on and came to sit behind me again. He brought a hairbrush and gently brushed my hair. This was an Eric that I knew was there but I had not seen it before. He and I both knew in this moment that I needed to be taken care of and he needed to be the one to do it. He took his time and his strong soldier hands were gentle as he brushed my scarlet waves. When he was finished he gently kissed the top of my head. He pulled the covers up around me and I could feel my eyelids starting to droop.

"I have to go and check on the training. I am going to give strict instructions that no one but me and your doctor are to enter your room. I will be back tonight and I'm going to take you home." He said.

If I was being honest with myself the thought of Eric leaving was terrifying. His presence was the only thing keeping me together right now. But I put on my brave face and smiled at him.

"Okay, I will see you tonight then." I said.

He leaned down and kissed my lips ever so softly because they were still so bruised and cut.

"I love you so much Lizzy. I will be back before you know it. Get some sleep and take care of yourself and our little one."

Eric placed his hand on my stomach and I put my hand over his.

"I love you too. Please hurry back." I said.

"I will my love, I will." He said and then he was gone.

Without Eric there the will to stay awake faded completely. I put my hands over my stomach and thought about my baby. For now he or she was safe. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

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