Chapter 11

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Liz's POV

I still couldn't see his face but I already knew that it was Zach. I leaned back against the wall to give myself a little stability. The light in the room flicked on and I had to close my eyes momentarily. Once I could see again I looked right at Zach. He was casually leaning against the doorframe, smirking at me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked glaring at him.

He continued to lean against the doorframe like he was just casually lounging.

"Oh it's not anything from you exactly. You are simply a means to an end." He said.

"And what end would that be?" I asked crossing my arms against my chest.

"Oh you know just making Eric suffer."

"Well you know it won't work. Eric and I broke up. How would you taking me make him suffer?" I said standing up to my full height.

Zach tsked at me as he stood up to his full height as well.

"Oh Liz, he must have been a very convincing actor." He said.

"Actor? What do you mean?"

"Eric. I told him to break up with you. I wanted him to suffer without your love. I saw you made him happy so I wanted to take you away from him. I thought the best way to do that was to make him do it himself. I told him I would kill you if he didn't leave you."

My head was spinning. Eric did love me. He had never wanted to leave me. This bastard had made him do it. I could feel white hot rage burning within me. I hated this man, I hated him. He was still smirking at me like the cat that ate the canary.

"And then I found the best discovery of all." He said.

I just stared at him waiting for him to finish his grand plan. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out.

"This." He said holding up a pregnancy test. "Now this I just couldn't resist."

I reflexively crossed my arms over my stomach. He knew about my baby. He started to walk towards me and I backed up. He continued forward and I couldn't back up anymore. I got ready to go on the defensive. He laughed as he got closer to me. I went to swing and him and he grabbed my arm. I tried to get the other one up and he grabbed that one too. I brought my knee up and got him right in the crotch. He grunted and let go of me. It was just enough for me to get free. I ran for the door.

I felt a yank on my hair from behind. Zach grabbed my braid and pulled on it. It unsteadied me and I stumbled. He had a firm grip on my hair and he pulled me to the ground. The ground was cold and hard under me. It knocked the wind out of me when I fell. Zach was on top of me before I knew it. He grabbed my arms and pinned them above me. I struggled against him and he pinned me down with his body. I cried out in pain when he shoved his knee in between my legs.

"Shh." He said putting his face down close to mine.

I could smell his disgusting breath and his clammy hands on my arms. He leaned down and sniffed my hair.

"Mmm I can see why Eric liked you so much."

He looked up and down my body and rubbed his knee against me.

"You are just so...delicious." He said licking my face.

I could feel bile rising up in my throat. He held my hands above me with one hand. He was much stronger than I was and he had the advantage on top. He used his free hand to explore my body. He stroked my face and touched my lips. His hand slid down my shirt and under my bra. I jerked against him to try and get free.

"No, no Liz. Be a good girl." He said.

He harshly squeezed my breast and leaned down to kiss me. His lips were revolting. His tongue tried to enter my mouth and I bite it. I could taste the blood. I smashed my forehead against his nose. Blood came pouring out of it.

"You bitch." He slapped me hard across the face.

I could feel my lip split and I could already taste the blood. I felt something cold against my lower abdomen. Zach was smiling with blood stained teeth. He was holding a knife right above my womb, threatening my baby. He pressed down a little and I saw a thin line of blood appear. He looked me in the eye.

"Are you going to play nice?" he asked.

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