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Bigby and I had been working all day that day, so I had left Lucifer unattended in my apartment. I've never had a pet before so I just left a cereal bowl full of raw chicken in the bathroom where I locked Lucifer in. I also filled the tub with milk. I left some newspaper in the corner in case the little noot needed to use it.

When I returned to my apartment alone, as Bigby needed to stay longer, I was surprised to see that he didn't escape.

I opened the bathroom door and saw Lucifer sleeping in the sink.
I scooped him up, patting his little bald head.

"Could you let me sleep, Nox?"

I froze, looking down at him.
"W-was that... You?"

"Of course it was me you shithead." The kitten was looking up at me, glaring.

I was so confused, looking at him.
"What the hell?"

"I know this is strange, but I'm alive! I died, sure, but I was reincarnated as a cat! Your cat! The entire reason why Bastet wanted you to have me!"

I blushed slightly.
"So, this means you saw what happened yesterday, correct? And the night before that..."

Lucifer nodded, smirking.
"Yes. I did. Trust me, I'm pretty fucking gay, but I ship you guys harder than anything else. You guys are my OTP."

I laughed, letting Lucifer leap out of my arms and onto the couch.

"I haven't decided what your ship name would be. But I'm stuck between Bix or Box. I personally think Bix is a nice mixture, but Box is good for the humor factor."
My cat brother said, making gestures with his paw as he explained.

I rolled my eyes, watching my brother obsess over us.
"So you could talk this entire time... Why didn't you say anything earlier?"

Lucifer stopped his cooing fest and snapped his head towards me.
"Yeah, I just didn't say anything earlier because... Pfft! Who am I to interrupt my OTP in the sex process? The OTP was becoming canon! Occasionally I would peak in and watch for a second or two, but hey! You really got yourself a good one, Nox."

I blushed even more, looking away.
"So... What's it like being a cat?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

He threw his head back dramatically.
"OH! You don't even know the half of it! It's beyond amazing! You can sleep, eat, play, and repeat! You don't have to worry about people problems, as the only person you give a shit about is yourself! I finally understand why cats are so regal! We demand worship, Nox." He meowed, jumping down from the couch.

He pawed at my foot, purring.
"I also heard what you guys were talking about last night. Do you..."
He paused.
"Do you really think there's a chance that you could become pregnant this mating season?"

I looked away from him, sighing. I had totally forgotten about this. I really didn't know... Again, my lore said I'm supposed to have children, but I honestly don't know if that lore would fall true.

"I don't know. I doubt it." Not that I'm afraid of kids or anything, I just. I don't know. Living in this world is a hard and difficult thing to do. This world is cruel and scary. I'm not sure I want to bring sweet life into this dark world.

Lucifer raised a non existent kitty brow.
"Are you sure, Nox? Because honestly, if my OTP had kids, I would be fucking ecstatic! I would be an uncle!"

I scoffed, turning to face him. He was smiling, purring.

"Yeah, their gay, bald, cat uncle."

He rolled his eyes, jumping on the couch again so he was almost to my level.
"Well, Nox, I think you should still take a pregnancy test. It's better safe than sorry!"

The Wolf's AssistantМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя