Spending The Night (Part 2)

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Disclaimer! This chapter will probably be shorter or longer than the others. 0-0 sorry. I have two other chapters to catch up on so I'll make it up to y'all. •o• (IM SUPER FUCKING LATE ON V-DAY CHAPTERS IM SO SORRY XD)

Bigby had returned, he gave me the blood packets. He continued to work as I chugged six packets of warm cow blood. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, looking around.

"What the?-" I could hear something coming from the small kitchen I stood up and made my way over to investigate.

My mouth dropped open as I saw a pig snoring on the kitchen floor. I hadn't seen a pig ever since I was just a wee little thing. It was usually my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

"Bigby...Why the hell is there a pig in your kitchen?" Even on a full stomach, the urge to taste pig blood felt like it was taking over. I had to back out of the kitchen so I wouldn't attack.

"Eh. That's just Colin." I heard Bigby grunt, looking in my direction.

"So...You..You know what I'm just going to stop asking questions and I'm just going to sit on the floor..." I chuckled, sitting on the floor.
It was about 10:53 PM by the time I decided to do something other than sit around and watch Bigby in silence.

"Bigby?" I asked, rolling around on the floor again.

He looked back at me, sighing.
"What, Nox?"

I slowly picked myself off of the floor, pulling on my sleeves.
"Since we need to investigate the recent case a little more, I figured why not investigate a bit tonight? I mean, the night is young, I'm hyper as shit, and if you don't I'll probably bug you until you do." I smiled, slipping on the hood of my hoodie.

Once Bigby gave his approval, my eyes lighted up, and I ran for the door. I ran down the long hallway, screaming.

"ADVENTURE-" I rammed into the elevator door, falling back into the ground with a loud thud.

"Dammit." I whined, holding my head. Bigby made his way down and pressed the button. He looked at me, smiling.

"How did you not see the door?" He chuckled, helping me off the floor.

"I dunno. I'm really hyper so I don't think straight, resulting in my thinking running into an elevator door was a good idea." I laughed, leaning against the elevator door.

After about a minute of waiting the doors opened, and I fell to the ground again.

"Why don't I think things through?" I chuckled, pulling myself off of the cold floor. We waited until the elevator doors opened and I ran for the doors.

"FREEDOM!" I screamed, feeling as fangs started to grow. I stopped running for a second, calming myself down before I literally went batshit insane. (hahahahaha BAT PUNS)

I ended up becoming really impatient, as Bigby was walking extremely slow. I ran up to him, pulling on his arm. Yet, despite my efforts...He didn't budge.

"Come on! Is your speed limit turtle or something?" I laughed, tugging on his arm slightly softer. He put his hand on my arm, prying me off of him. I watched as Bigby walked away, leaving me alone.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelped, running after him.

We had finally arrived at the club, I wasn't exactly familiar with this one.

Bigby and I walked in, I remained close to him, afraid something or someone undesirable would be thrown upon me. It had your basic necessities of any night club. A bar, a dance floor, and a few lounge rooms here and there. It was decent.

Though we didn't come for drinks, or for dancing. (Which really sucked major ass by the way.) We pretty much sat at the bar and observed amongst the crowds of people.

The urge to get up and dance was coming out, I was biting my sleeve at this point just to prevent me from losing it. I wanted to slam my head against the table. Once Bigby noticed my struggles, he allowed me to go and dance.

I was happy on the dance floor, I felt like it was the only time my body could do whatever the hell it wanted to. Though the bright lights were never my thing, it reminded me of the sun, I still enjoyed seeing all the blurs of bright color.
I happily thumped my feet to the beat, sweat dripping down my hot face.

I tried my best to stay cool among the crowds of people, seeming to come closer and closer. I hate to admit it, but I really don't mix well with big groups of people. I always feel like they can sense the slightest bit of faulting in me. I decided to stray from the group a bit, backing up. I was surprised I didn't run into anything as I wasn't paying any attention until I felt my body yet again, falling to the floor.

"Just my shitty luck." I mumbled, picking myself up. I looked behind me to see what I tripped on, and to my surprise, it was a man.

I tried my best to apologize but he grabbed my wrist, his grip was firm and I gulped.

"Listen, it was an accident... Can you please let go now?" I laughed nervously, trying to pry my arm free. I watched as the man pulled out a small dagger from his pocket, still holding my wrist tightly.

"No. NO. NOPE!" I began to panic as he pulled me into a less crowded area, I could feel every heartbeat, every breath, my thoughts like shopping malls on Christmas Eve. I tried resisting but it was only using my energy, making me fall limp from exhaustion.

"Just fucking stab me already." I hissed, shooting him a glare. I gave in. Next thing I know... Everything went dark.

Did he stab me? I don't know.

Finally it's DONE. Jesus, I've been working on this forever. ITS DONE.

(But I'm never done. Never. I have to work on the next chapter as I promised. Hope you guys enjoy my cliff hangers. >3<


Please don't fall to your death.

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