The Day Her World Died

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A flicker of lightning woke me up, my vision was back to its dull color, telling me that Bigby left already. I checked the time. The clock was dead. The power was out.

"I may be darkness but it doesn't mean I can fucking see in it." I mumbled, slipping out of bed. I walked into the kitchen, after feeling around my bedroom for the damn door. Once out, I could see so much better. The moonlight lit up my apartment, letting my limited vision stretch it's possibilities.

I was going to walk into the living room when glass spewed out from a broken window, and something was thrown into my wall. I turned my head at the destruction, then I slowly followed the shards of glass to the floor where a limp body lay. A familiar body.

"Lucifer? Oh my God..." I said, rushing to his side. My brother was holding his side, blood pooling out from his wings.

He couldn't even say my name. He was seriously injured.

"Luci! Don't worry, I'll fix you! I'll fix you I promise!" I said, scrambling to my feet. I was trying to run to the bathroom to get some bandages when I heard his voice call out.

"Nox! Stop... Please. Please come here..." He said, blood slowly spilling from the corner of his mouth. His body was pale, and his eyes were dull. I could see in color again. This also happened whenever I witnessed a... A death.... I didn't want to believe he was dying.

"Lucifer please, I need to take care of you! Just let me fix you!"

He shook his head, holding up the hand that was covering his wound. He had a large shard of glass from the window lodged in his side, and I noticed that he had a few knife wounds in his chest.

"No..." I whispered, my eyes glossing over.
"This isn't going to end like this.."

He slapped me in the arm, glaring at me when I turned my attention to him.

"Stop it, Nox. You know I'm going to die. I can see it in your eyes. You do that when you witness death. You told me. Your eyes get all big whenever you see color. And you see color when you witness death or you're in love."

My lip quivered.

"Please don't make this hard, Nox. I've lived a good life. Thanks to you and Anthony. But I know that this death is going to be slow and painful..." He sighed, looking deep into my eyes as if I was supposed to do something. And I was.

I shook my head.
"You're not implying what I think you're-"

"Yes. Nox. Please just send me off. I'm okay. Just let me go. Send me to your friends. I don't want to die slowly, Nox. Please just end it."

I felt warm tears streaming down my devastated face, my life was tumbling down before my eyes.

"No. I won't. I can't kill you."
I cried, holding his head to my chest.

He closed his eyes, I could feel tiny tears on my chest as he cried into it.
"Please Nox, it's my last request. Just do it... Like you did at the cave with that dog..."

I really wish he hadn't brought that up. When we were younger, a dog got hit by a car near our cave, and it was suffering as it had survived. I was the one that peacefully put it down. I just placed my hand to its head and I took it's life away. It was painless and simple. But it didn't change the fact that I killed it.

I knew it was what my brother wanted, but it wasn't something that I wanted to do. But he wanted this. And I needed to give that to him.

I put my hand to his head, rubbing it slowly. I whispered, looking into the darkness.

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