A Candle Burns Out

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( Credit to SafiresStories for the sketch of my Nox <3 )

The sun began to rise and I was eager to leave. I morphed into my bat form, flapping into the sunrise. I collected morning crickets, moths, Mosquitos, etc. But not roaches. I have standards, guys.

After my buggy breakfast I flew out of town to visit my friend Tokyo. I met Tokyo when I first started leaving the cave, we met at a shitty bar, but oh was it fun...

I knocked on her door, assuming she was home. No answer? Tokyo told me she was crazy sick this week... She couldn't have left the house. I soon noticed that the doorframe had claw marks up and down the white wood. The lock was also busted.

"Shit!" I said, pushing the door open and running inside. I had ran into Ra, the god of the sun, Bastet, the goddess of cats, and Tokyo. Tokyo was laying on the floor in her true form, a tall, Rusty, and large maned wolf. She had bruises on her body along with claw marks. Bastet was holding Tokyo down, her whip tied Tokyo's paws together. Ra on the other hand was leaning close to my friend's face, mumbling.

I morphed into my anthropomorphic self, kicking Bastet off of my friend.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I hissed, pushing Ra to the wall.
Tokyo squirmed, fighting her way to her knees.

"This bitch owes me money..." Ra shot a cold (ironic that he's the god of the sun...) glare at Tokyo who was growling at him. Bastet was on the floor, holding her chest in pain where I had kicked her.

"I don't owe you shit!" Tokyo barked, breaking free from the whip. She stood up, holding her raw wrists.

I was watching my friend, making sure she got up alright, and Ra pushed me off of him. I fell on my ass and I had hit my wing on a chair.

Tokyo helped me up with the little strength she had left, keeping her eyes on Ra and Bastet. Once I was up, Ra began to speak.

"She paid her dues, but I gave her extra time! She owes me an extension fee."

Tokyo shook her head.
"Fuck you."

Bastet was picking herself off of the floor, she turned slowly and walked closer to Tokyo.

"Listen here mutt, my scratching posts don't pay for themselves. But for your disrespect to the gods, you must be punished!" Her eyes gleamed in excitement. She seemed excited to punish my mortal friend.

"Shut up, puss n boots.." I hissed, taking a step closer. I was much smaller than Bastet, but I was capable of more. Bastet unsheathed her claws, a growl emitting from her throat.

Ra crossed his arms, looking at the two of us. "Enough! Step aside so I can burn this whore..." He pushed me aside, along with his daughter the two of them approached Tokyo. Before anything could happen I sunk my teeth into Bastet's shoulder. My teeth are razor sharp, so it broke the skin almost immediately. She gasped in pain, turning around to see her shoulder bleeding. I pushed her over while she was distracted.

Ra didn't care, he grabbed Tokyo's arm. I ran up to the god with my wings folded neatly to my body, once I came within close range, I opened them. They spread in his face, stunning him and throwing him to the ground.

"Tokyo, I'm going to have to turn into... Her. Please run...." I whispered to her, pointing at the door. She nodded and began to run. Ra looked up, seeing me standing over him. He slapped my ankle with a hot hand, causing my ankle to burn and sting. He then took advantage of this and grabbed me by my wing.

"I will burn your stupid little wings, you bitch.." He squawked in my face. I could feel his hand get warmer. He was going to burn my wings off... He was going to kill me....

I let it happen. I screamed louder than you could ever imagine. It could make a mortal such as yourselves, deaf.

I smirked, my hair was back to its lilac color, my blood ran cold. I was now experiencing my dark side once more. But this time I was okay with hurting or killing someone. After Bastet and Ra were done holding their heads in pain from my scream, they did hesitate before trying to attack me. Bastet threw an old cat claw at me, hoping it would catch my skin. But I caught the claw, turning it into darkness within seconds.

"Consume!" I laughed, causing the shadows to attack Bastet. They grabbed at her ankles, her tail, her skirt. They sunk their teeth and claws into her skin. She yowled for help, and her father came to her aid. Ra attempted to push me aside so he could save his daughter, but I held out my arm, a shadow crow flying out from my sleeve. It pinned him to the wall, stabbing him in the stomach before it sunk into the wall.

Bastet was no more, her body lay limp on the floor as my shadows dragged her to the underworld.
"Say hi to Anubis for me, Bastet.." I chuckled, watching her body sink.

Ra tried to stop me but I only got angrier. I sent out my shadow, which snuck up behind him, grabbing at him. It clawed into his chest, bit at his face. And consumed his heart. The god of the sun exploded into ashes right before my eyes.

A single candle was lit, flickering away on Tokyo's table. I was back to normal, sipping some water and dipping my wings in aloe. Tokyo returned and thanked me a shit ton for helping her out.

"Thank you again, Nox. I guess we will have to catch up again some other time when angry immortals aren't trying to kill me, huh?" She chuckled, hugging me.

I nodded, smiling. I was proud of what I did today. I didn't like killing people, but when they can come back whenever the hell they want, I could care less.

Tokyo provided me a guest bedroom to stay the night in since I wasn't in any condition to fly or even walk home. I lay in bed, my face in a pillow.

"What did I just fucking do?"

Do you think Nox should've spared them or should she have killed them? Anyways, this chapter was shorter than some of my others but, you know. :P Stay awesome, guys! <3

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