Valentines Day (Part 2)

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I knew I had to get up. I really didn't want to. The previous night was beyond amazing, you know, minus the getting stabbed part.

I have mentioned this before and I will say it again. I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON!

I absolutely hated every second of getting up and leaving. I didn't eat anything before I left so I was especially grumpy. I made my way through forests, cities, and towns. I came across a dark cave that was disgusting and cold.

Home sweet home.

I landed on the ground, feeling my wings ache from being overused. I could feel the presence of someone, but I didn't know exactly who.

"Noxy!" A familiar voice said.

"Mom!" I squeaked, waving. But my mom was not okay with a wave. She ran at me, hugging me tightly.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time!" She was nearly crushing me now. "You've put on some weight. Have you not been taking my advice and going on a diet?"

Yep. Still my classic mother, judgmental and bitchy.
"I've only been gone for like two weeks, mother." I said, prying her off of me.

"I know, I just missed you! Come and see your father!" She chuckled, inviting me into the cold, yet inviting cave.

"Daniel! Jesus Christ..." The only problem with living in a dark cave and being a bat, you can't see shit.

After I talked to my parents for a while, I began to search for my brother Lucifer.

"Luci?" I called, peaking over at a tree outside.

Lucifer and his boyfriend were cuddling in a mango tree.

"How adorable...." I teased, flying over to say hello.

______•later that night•______

My mother had prepared a wild hog for dinner, everyone was situated at the table. My brother's boyfriend Anthony brought a mango to the table. Things didn't go so well from there.

"Is he- is he a fruit bat?" I heard my father say.

I looked up from my plate, feeling my heart sink. Was my father really going to talk about this here?

"Yes. Anthony is a fruit bat, dad." I looked over to see Lucifer holding Anthony's wing. I could tell Lucifer was not going to take our dad's shit this time.

"Why? Why couldn't you just date one of your own? And maybe a FEMALE?"

I dropped my fork and sighed.
"I'll be right back...." I said, standing up out of my stone chair.

My mother glared at me.
"Well, maybe it's for the best. You eat too much anyways. You really are fat, Nox."

I stopped dead in my tracks, balling up my tiny hands into fists.
"Excuse me?" I turned to my mother, a look of pure disgust on my face.

"Constructive criticism, Nox. Calm down." She laughed, poking my stomach.

"That is far from constructive!" I yelled, slapping her hand away. My father stood up, about to scold me for touching mother like that. I only yelled at him.

"You and your disrespectful, homophobic, ASS! I can't believe that you would look at mom's bullying and think that it's okay! I can't believe that you can bully and pick on your own SON, and think it's okay! It's not OKAY! Love has no gender, love had no color, no race, no species, let love be LOVE. STOP trying to fix my brother that isn't broken!"

I excused myself from the table and left to my boyfriend Trevor's cabin.

He let me in and we talked. I told him everything that happened. How angry I felt.

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