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(This chapter is very....Sad. Just a warning.)

I woke up, a pounding in my head. The night before was a blur, but I remembered the fun bits.
I was still in the warm arms of Bigby, who was still asleep.

For some odd reason I wasn't feeling all that great, I felt tired and sad. But I had a great time! Why am I feeling this way?

I slipped out of his arms, walking to the bathroom slowly. I shut the door behind me, turning to face the mirror. I had a messy mane of pink hair, and I spotted a few hickeys here and there.

All I could feel was sadness. Or nothing at all. I leaned over the sink, washing my face. Looking back into the mirror, my hair was losing some of it's color.

"No... I promised I wouldn't let you out until the next full moon..." I mumbled, holding strands of lilac hair. You see, as responsibility of being The Goddess Of The Night, I have to set up the full moon and the night sky to go along with it. If I don't, we could have either eternal darkness or eternal light. I don't know which is worse.

Pings of pain stung my heart, brain, and lungs. I fell to the floor, cringing and holding back tears.

"S-Stop! STOP! I don't want to be sad anymore...I don't want to hurt myself anymore. You're happy! You're happy! STOP BEING SAD!" Hands clenching onto my head, tears streaming down my face, I was slipping into my struggles again.

Knock knock.

I turned to the door, wincing at the thought of putting him through my pain. Bigby didn't need to be involved with my suffering. It wasn't fair. I quickly fixed my crying face, my messy hair, and tried to fix my messy life.

I opened the door, trying to seem as happy as possible.

"Hey, what do you need?" I asked, leaning against the door.

"I heard you crying and thought I'd come and check on you. Are you alright?" He said, coming closer to me and holding my waist. I blushed at his touch, chuckling slightly.

"I'm fine. Just..." My voice trailed off, trying to find the words.

"Just what?"

"It's just that...Last night was...Incredible! I think we should do that more often!" I lied, I mean, last night was pretty sweet... I just said that so he wouldn't think anything of the noises he heard.

"You're lying, Nox." He grunted, and I could feel his cold stare from behind my back.

"You don't want to get involved with it... It's honestly so stupid and...I don't think you really need my drama in your life." I explained, sighing.

He turned me around to face him.

"Nox, I've seen you like this before. You can't be afraid to tell me anymore." He said, hugging me.

I fell to the floor at his feet.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I squeaked, my face in my hands.


"I'm just so stupid and fat, and I don't even know why I'm here anymore! Why do I deserve a life if I can't even live it without feeling dead?" I was crying my eyes out, shaking my head.

He knelt down, rubbing my shoulder.
"Tell me all that you can Nox." He whispered, bringing me closer to him.

We sat on the floor as I explained everything. The depression I went through, what I turn into during a full moon, and how broken I really was.

"I'm just scared you're going to have to be sucked into the bullshit I'm going through. I don't want you to worry about me or sink trying to help me swim." I whimpered, trying to stop my pathetic crying. He hugged me tightly.

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