Sierra's POV

I wake up to Wanda crying. I look around and am shocked. Everything is destroyed.


*"Jo!*  Hurry up!" I say. Then Jo walks out of my room all flamed out looking hilarious. I giggle at how he stumbles in my mom's high heals. "I'm ready for my photo shoot," He says in a dramatic voice.

We both start laughing and he keeps stumbling around. My mom took pictures and said we were adorable. "Happy seventh birthday Jo!" She said happily. We were happy. He was happy.

\+Skip forward a couple years+

I'm crying my eyes out. Mike Hailey broke my heart. I dated him, I trusted him. Then he drops me like it's nothing. I hear a knock at my door. I don't answer.

Jo slowly comes in and sits on my bed. "I got you the new marvel movie, and I bought us some Capri Suns and pizza," he says quietly.

I smile and hug him. We stay up all night watching marvel and having a sugar rush. He always knew how to make things better. Always.

\+Skip forward again+

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE, I AM LEAVING. YOU CAN'T CONTROL ME YOU FUCKING DRUG HEAD! Jo screamed at his father. I have never seen him like this. I've seen him upset, but he always acted like he was fine. He never let me see how hurt he actually is.

"IF YOU LAY A HAND ON ME I WON'T HESITATE TO BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!" He yelled again. I see Jo walk out to the car holding a bag and a rag to his face.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I ask. He smiles at me and gets in. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just happened to walk into a wall on my way out," he says casually.

I believe him, even though I shouldn't. He was always a good actor at pretending he was fine. He is a great actor.

\+You already know+

"Hey bud, are you okay?" Jo asks a crying kid. The kid instantly clings onto Jo, so Jo picks him up. I take his bag so he can help the poor kid. "Daddy left me, daddy hurt mommy," the kid cried. Jo's eye's show no emotion, but his face shows he is calm, though I doubt that is how he actually feels.

We hear yelling and a man walks up. "What the fuck are you doing with my kid you prick," the man yells. Jo hands me the kid and says to take him to the car. On my way to the car I head the man hit the ground.

When Jo gets in ten car, he grabs a napkin and wipes blood off his hand. "Where is your mommy hunny?" Jo asks calmly. "At da hospital," the boy whimpers.

Jo drives us to the hospital and takes the kid to his mother. He always was good with kids. He understands them.

\+Back to present time+

"Wanda?" I asks. "Sierra! Your alive!" She cried happily. "What's going on?" I ask. "Jo snaped his fingers, we thought he was an eternal, we thought he was like Thanos. Tony tried to stop him, but he told us that he had to take care of something," She sobbed. I've never seen Wanda like this.

I see Natasha's lifeless body hit the ground. I gasp in shock. Then I remember the marvel movies. What if Jo is changing the ending? Does he have the power to do that? Why would he change it to Natasha dying?

Wanda is quick to make me look at her instead of Natasha. "Sierra, look at me baby. It's okay. I'll keep you safe, even if it means I die," she says through tears.

I don't know how to feel. I watch as the people I've grown up watching fall from the sky. I watch as their lifeless bodies crash to the ground. Why would Jo do this to me? He knows I love them.

A shadowy person is flying in the air. That's when I realize that person is who everyone is fighting. I see Jo, fire coming from his fists. Wait, Jo isn't causing this.

Jo crashes to the ground, but gets up instantly. "Jo! Why is this happening?" I ask. "I'm doing this for you Sierra. I made everyone sleep so I could keep them and you safe, but this person is stronger. Every superhero or supervillain they kill, they gain their powers. I will keep you safe," Jo says, before flying back up.

Peter's body hits the ground beside me with Tony in his Iron man suit. Tony's death plays through my head. I have to watch him die again. This time along side Peter. "I failed my baby boy," Tony says before his eyes shut forever.

I feel so overwhelmed, I don't know how to handle this. Wanda holds me tight. I realize Vision is on the ground with his infinity stone riped out. Wanda sobs into my shoulder. They are all dead except for Jo and Wanda. This doesn't last long though.

Wanda's sobs stop. She falls off of me and I see blood everywhere. She had been stabbed through the heart. This is too much. I look around and see the people I looked up to. I see their lifeless bodies. The pain on all their faces. It hurts.

Jo keeps crashing down, each time he looks worse and worse. He is covered in blood and has an arm gone, yet he keeps getting up for more.

My whole world is destroyed, yet he keeps fighting like he can save it. It's to late, but he keeps trying. That's when the shadow person come crashing down.

Jo lands and looks at me. He is weak. "I did it, I killed him," he says quietly. I look at him, unsure if how to react.

"Sierra, I want you to know that I love you. I love you so much, and I am going to fix this all for you. I will fix your world and put back the peaces. The only thing is, I won't be a part of it. I'll have to use the last of my power, but it's worth it. You are worth it.

With that he snaps his fingers and everything is back to normal. Everyone looks around confused. Then I realize, Jo is gone. He did this for me. He did this so I could be happy. I will never forget that boy....

I'll never forget him.

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