5:36am Sierra's POV

I am woken up to Wanda knocking on my door. "Wake up beautiful, we are going out to breakfast!" She says cheerfully. "Okay, be out in 5!" I sat back. I quickly get ready and do my hair in French braids.

I walk out and see everyone, minus Jo and Tony, puting jackets on and heading out the door. "Here put this on," Bruce says, holding a jacket out. He puts it on me which makes me blush.

We go to some rip off IHOP. Natasha orders for me because I couldn't make up my mind. We eat and talk about how if Tony were to start a fire in the kitchen, he would blame it on Peter or Loki.

It was so much fun. Bucky smacked Clint with a piece of bacon, then Clint threw a pancake at Bucky but missed and hit Pietro. Pietro yells, "Oh it's on tough guy!" Then throws his coffee on Thor.

Next thing you know food is flying everywhere and I'm under a table. I laugh and throw a banana at Peter. He looks at me and throws a whole ass pie at me. Then Pietro hits Natasha with a piece of butter and everything stops.

Everyone freezes, even the flying food stoped mid air. "Home all of you and to your rooms!" She shouts. Oh shit, we in trouble.

We all go home quietly and go to our rooms. Tony and Jo are not here. I wonder where they went. My memories about Jo are fuzzy. Maybe it's because of this new universe.

After about ten minutes, Natasha walks in and sits on my bed. "I'm not going to punish you because you didn't do anything wrong and I would have thrown a banana at Peter as well, but because I yelled at everyone else can you stay in your room for about an hour?" She says softly.

I nod and look down at the bed. "I promise I'm not mad hunny, so don't worry that little head of yours," she says, kissing my cheek softly.

I smile up at her and hug her. "I may not know what you have been through, but I am here to understand," she whispers. She then leaves me alone in my room.

My things have came in so I decide to take this time as a chance to organize and set up. I put all my clothes in the closet, set up the furnishing, and organize my new art supplies.

"Perfect," I say to myself. I then began to paint. I paint for about an hour then clean up. The paint dries quickly, so I hang it up on my wall. It is of the farm back home.

My home life was never horrible, but it wasn't good either. My dad was a drunk, he tried to show me love, but the alcohol took over him.

My mother tried to protect me, but all she ended up doing is hurting me. She sent me out to the world without teaching me of the horrors the world presents. Like a lamb to the slotter.

I never really knew much about my family history. My parents farmed and I did art. My mom supported my art, but my father did not. It's not that he didn't like it, it's just that he doesn't understand it like I do.

He doesn't understand why I am the way that I am. I wish he would understand. Why can't he understand? Why does he struggle to understand?

I get shaken out of my thoughts by Bucky. "Sierra, Sierra, look at me," he says, shaking me. I look at him, I have tears falling down my face. "I- I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Don't worry about it, what's wrong?" He asks. "It's nothing," I say, wiping my face. "It's something, tell me," he says. So I tell him. I tell him everything.

"Sierra I won't tell anyone, I'm so sorry," he says, hugging me tight. It's about noon now, my stumick growls. I feel my face heat up.

"I think someone's hungry," he laughs. I nod and look down at my desk. "Let's go princess, I'll make you something special for dessert," he says happily.

We go to the kitchen and he makes me a burger and fries. I eat, then he give me a cookie that says 'Dad's Princess.' I smiles at the cookie before shoving it in my mouth.

"You like it?" He chuckles. I nod happily and hug him. "Thanks Bucky, what do I owe you?" I ask. "Nothing baby, just call me dad," he says softly.

Okay, when I tell you my heart stoped, it fucking stoped. Like holy shit, what is this feeling. Where the fuck is Jo when you need him.

"I love you dad," I whisper. "I love you too princess," he whispers back. Is this what a father's love feels like?

He takes me to his room and shows me his art. It was absolutely beautiful. "Buck- I mean dad, this is amazing," I say, breathless. There is so many pictures to look at.

"Thank you, would you like to draw me? I can draw you." He offers. I agree and we get to work. An hour later we have two finished masterpieces. I nervously show him mine and he shows me his.

"Oh my God that's good," I say rather loudly. "Shit she's good," I hear him say under his breath. I take his and he takes mine. He hangs mine on his walk above his bed. I do the same with his in my room.

"Let's watch a movie, how about Cinderella?" He offers. "That's my favorite Disney movie," I say. "Me too!" He says back.

We lay on his bed and watch the movie together. I feel so.... Happy. Like one of the missing pieces have been found. I feel relieved, yet I'm still missing something.

Unknown POV

Sierra seems content for now. This shall not last long, I will take her too. I will have them both.

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