10:23 am Jo's POV

I sense someone is angry. I decided to go to my room when I get back to the tower because of this. I began to see a vision of Sierra crying.

She is crying over her family. I send Bucky into her room. I don't speak to him, I just used my mind. Then I had him take over as a father figure. It was easy enough.

Now I am in my room and organizing the stuff that came in. It doesn't take me long to finish up. I like my room, it just needs a little more stuffies and onesies. I'll work on that slowly after I get the money.

I hear a knock at my door, I do not answer though. "Jo, it's Loki. You haven't met me yet, I'd like to introduce myself," he says. I go over and open the door to let him in.

He walks in and smiles at me. Shit, this man is scary as hell. I think he noticed I was scared because he squatted down to my level.

"Hi there, I'm Loki. I really like your room," he smiles softly. I look down at the floor nervously. He thinks for a second, then smiles again. "You wanna see something cool?" He asks. I nod and look at him curiously.

He makes stars form around us. Okay, that is cool! I go to touch one but he stops me, "No, don't touch it. It might hurt you." It's so pretty.

He stops and then looks at me. "Still scared of me?" He asks. I shake my head no and smile. He stands back up and looks down at me.

"Tony wants me to take you to a workstation, he wants to see your capabilities," he says softly. I nod and follow him. He takes me to this room with a bunch of materials and equipment. Loki leaves me at the station with no instructions other than to build.

I start by picturing what my final outcome will look like in my head, then I start to cut materials and put things together. I don't put safety equipment on though. A piece of mettle hits me in the face and cuts my cheek, but it doesn't affect me any.

I start to clean up before I finish it so that I have a cleaner workspace. Then I finish my creation. It is a suit that allows your powers to multiply in strength by ten. It is adjustable so that it fits more than one body type.

I feel proud of this and smile at my creation. I start writing down instructions on how to use it and what it does on a piece of paper so that I don't have to explain it out loud later.

I hope Tony likes it. Speaking of Tony, he walks in as soon as I finish writing. I proudly hand him the paper and let him look at the suit.

"Hmmm, interesting color, it's clear," he says. I tap on the paper for him to read. The color changes to your preferred color and pattern once you put it on.

He reads the paper and smirks. "Happy doubted you, but I knew you were capable of creating something amazing, I just didn't expect it so fast. Good job kid," he says, patting my head.

"It's dinner time now, you didn't eat lunch and you haven't eaten much in general today. Let's get you to the dining room," he says. I shake my head no.

"Not hungry?" He asks, a frown on his face. I nod, then finish cleaning up the station. "Would you like me to take you back to your room then?" He asks. I nod.

He takes me back to my room and leaves me to do what I wish, but not before handing me some cash for the suit. My eyes widen at this. I go text Sierra and tell her I'm going out. I grab my mini backpack and head out.

I go to a nearby store and head to the baby section. I grab Iron man and Spiderman pacis, then I get some onesies. I get a stitch one, a spiderman one, a captain America one, and a grey one with a flower on it.

I also get some bottles and sippy cups along with stuffies and beanies. I get my hair cut while I'm here as well at a small barbershop. I stay out for a while and stop in a small bar.

"Sorry kid, you're too young," the male bar attendant says. I frown but a female walks over and smiles at me. "What can I get you cutie?" She asks. I show her a picture of their strongest drunk.

"So tough for such a little boy, ay?" She says getting my drink. I teleport my things to my closet so I don't have to carry them around. I stay at the bar for a few hours, my phone goes off so I shut it off.

Once I'm somewhat drunk I head out. I stumble down the street, still having a bum leg from when I first got here. I make eye contact with a man's figure. He looks back at me, then disappears.

I get back to the tower and am greeted by a pissed-off Tony. "DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? YOU SMELL LIKE ALCOHOL, WHERE YOU DRINKING?" He screams at me.

This startles me as I wasn't prepared to be yelled at. I feel tears fall down my face as I try to run to my room. Tony stops me and makes me look at him.

"I'm sorry for yelling, I shouldn't have done that. You just scared me okay? I don't want anything to happen to you." He says, then hugs me. "Let's get you to bed, okay?" He says more calmly. I nod and he takes me to my room.

Unknown POV

I saw him. He saw me. We made eye contact, but I ran off before he had time to think much of it. It was a close one. His ability to create is not human. I need to steal his power.

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