June 6th, 2025 2:12 am

I've continued to build things and get paid. I also have stopped sleeping and haven't eaten in a while. Sierra has started to show signs of powers, but she doesn't know it.

Today is my 18th birthday, I wonder if anyone misses me from my home universe. I've been doing college online here so that I can still feel like I've accomplished something.

That night I came back after drinking, Tony took me to bed. He made sure I was asleep before he left me. He has tried to talk to me, but I rarely give him the chance to.

I've done Sierra a few favors as well. She now has the mom and dad she deserves. Peter has tried to check up on me but when I am not working, I am off somewhere studying and thinking. I rather study without any distractions.

I've kept myself quite busy. When I should be sleeping, I'm researching. I am currently focusing on how to control my powers better. That way I can use mine to stop this evil that is watching me.

I am currently wearing the Spiderman onesie and looking at reports of a mysterious man being seen around the places I have gone. He is following me.

The bastard wants something from me and he isn't going to get it. He'll have to put up a fight first. I decided to go work on something new, so I change into a hoodie and shorts.

I go down to my workstation and start building. I build a shield, the shield can be attached to a suit and shoot out when something flies at you. I finish it in a matter of hours.

I go back to my room at six and get dressed in casual wear for the day. I make myself look decent and head out to the kitchen. "Happy birthday Jo!" Sierra says happily.

I smile at her as a thank you. "Tony has planned a party for you tonight! He put a lot of thought into it," Natasha says, handing Sierra her breakfast. I nod and sit down. "You are eating Breakfast with us?" Peter asks both shocked and confused.

I nod as Loki sets a plate down in front of me. I eat, then clean my dishes. Then I go to Tony's office and knock on his door. "Come in," he says from the other side.

I hand him a paper that states that I created something new and that it is in my workstation. He nods approvingly and tells me to sit down. I take a seat and look at him.

"Happy birthday kid, your 18 now," he says standing up. I nod and look up at him. "As Nat told you, I have a party planned, I hope you enjoy. You being 18 also means I can officially make you a Stark Tower staff member. I shall add your payroll to this card," he says, handing me a card.

"The party is at eight this evening, so you have plenty of free time. I know how you like your free time. Enjoy the day off," he says, patting my shoulder.

I nod and head out. I go to the library and return some books, then enjoy the scenery of the park. Soon it gets late and I head back.

When I walk in Loki covers my eyes. "No peeking, just close your eyes and I'll guide you," he says. I close my eyes and he takes me somewhere. "Alright, open them!" He says.

I open my eyes and see a whole dance floor and a shit tone of presents. Tony walks over and smiles at me, "You like it bud?" He asks. I nod quickly. He smiles and dances with me. I stand in his shoes and he teaches me.

Bucky does the same with Sierra. I have so much fun, then Tony helped me open presents. "Mom! Dad! Take a picture!" Sierra says happily.

After the party, Loki and Bucky take my stuff to my room. They wish me goodnight and I get into little space. I put on my Stitch onesie and suck on my Iron Man paci. I start doodling and coloring.

After about an hour it is now one in the morning. Someone walks in which causes me to look over. I make eye contact with Tony. Then I spit out the paci and hop up.

"Calm down, it's not the first time. I know what this is. I just want to talk to you," he says calmly. How could he know?

He picks me up and sets me on his lap on the bed. "So light," he says under his breath. "You don't have to hide from me okay? I am here to help," he says softly. I nod. I can feel my heart racing.

He bounces me slightly. "I've done my own research and I want to take care of you. You were sent into this universe, my universe, for a reason," he says, patting my back. "So let me take care of you, and trust me. Can you trust me?" He asks. I think for a moment. Can I trust him?

I mean he hasn't done anything to lose my trust. He wouldn't hurt me, would he? I nod and decide to trust him. I hope I don't regret this. He smiles softly at me and then stands up with me on his hip. He puts the paci back in my mouth and walks out of my room.

I hide my face hoping no one would see me. He takes me to his room and lays me down on his bed. Then he starts taking off his shirt and I blush like a madman. He strips down to his boxers and lays down with me.

He hands me a stuffie and holds me close to him. "I'll make sure you get sleep tonight bud, and I'll keep the monsters away," he whispers. I slowly fall asleep.

Unknown POV

So Tony thinks he can take him, huh? This won't last long. Just give me time. Give me time...

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