3:25 am Tony's POV

I am currently sitting at my desk in my office. I can't get that boy, Jo, out of my head. He answered the Math questions so quick. He didn't use a calculator or show work. He seemed to struggle with the English language arts questions, but still got them right.

Then I look at the questions most people would find the easiest to answer. They were questions about him. He erased and rewrote his answers multiple times as if he were second guessing himself.

I decide to check the cameras. I see that Jo's bedroom door is open. I wonder if he is up, maybe I should go check on him. I look at my phone and see it's 3:33 am. I should go to bed after checking on Jo.

As I walk through the dark halls I see Jo. Well, he walks into me. He is a bit shorter than me. I am 6'1 and he is barely 5'3.

He whimpers, and looks up at me. He looks scared. "Jo?" I ask, looking down at him. "What on earth are you doing up this late?" I ask. "N-nightmare," he stutters out.

He looks like a helpless child. So fragile, so scared, so innocent. Something clicks in my brain and I go into a father mindset. I hold out my hand and help him up.

"What happened in the nightmare?" I ask. "B-big purple monster m-man came too hurt me," he says in a child's voice. Such a sweet little boy.

"Aww, it's okay. I won't let the big purple monster man get you. Would you like me to sleep in your room with you?" I ask. He nod his head and make grabby hands for me.

I gently pick him up and carry him to his room. I lay down with him and try to get him to sleep. He falls asleep rather quickly.

I get up and go back to my office, I was about to add this incident into his file when... POW! Everything goes dark.

4:02am No one's POV

Tony Stark lays sound asleep after being shot by a beem of light. Little did he know, the light came from Jo.

As Jo slept, he began to change. Being in a different universe was making his body transform in a sence. The same is happening for Sierra. They are becoming what they would have been if they were born in this universe.

Jo did not want his secret to be known by anyone other than Sierra, but even he is thinking about making her forget. He doesn't know it yet, but he is very powerful, and shall continue to get stronger.

As he slept, he realized that Tony now knows something is different about him, therefore, he unconsciously hit Tony with a beam of power that will make Tony forget. A second beam hits Sierra.

6:00am Tony's POV

I wake up to my alarm blaring on my phone. I must have fallen asleep while working again. My phone shows a miss call from Peter. I call him back while I walk to my room.

"Hello?" I hear Peter say from the other line. "Hey, why'd you call?" I ask. "I wanted to tell you that Jo is in his room, but the rest of us went out. He still hasn't spoken yet," Peter says. I say a few things before ending the conversation.

Why hasn't the boy spoken? He isn't mute, Sierra has already cleared that possiblity. She doesn't even know why he isn't talking.

I decide to not push him because that will only make things bad. Instead, I should try talking to him. I go in my room and get cleaned up. Once I'm done with that I head to Jo's room.

I knock, he opens the door after a moment. He looks a bit tiered, but other then that okay and dressed in Peters hoodie and shorts. They are so big on him.

"Everyone else went out, did you know?" I ask. He nods, and let's me in his room. "Oh, why didn't you go with them?," I ask, walking in. He shrugs as he shuts the door. "Do busy places make you nervous?" I ask.

He nods and starts making his bed. "Understandable, I was thinking about going out for breakfast, you are going to join me. I'll send someone in with clothes for you," I say before waking out.

I tell a maid to go take him a plain black shirt and jeans, then I go get my wallet. Soon, Jo walks out to the main living area. The shirt is to big on him, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"It is a bit cold out so put this on," I say, handing him a jacket. He puts it on without a complaint. Very obedient, I like it. I take him to a waffle house. He gets a kids meal and barley touches it. He doesn't say a word the whole time.

"Would you like me to get you something different?" I ask. He shakes his head and takes a bite of food. After a while we head back to the tower.

The energy around the tower is different, I'm not sure if it is good or not. I'll have to do some research on it later. Jo goes back to his room once we are back. I go to my office.

8:33pm Unknown person's POV

I've been keeping an eye on that boy. I have learned his name is Jo. He won't last long here. Tony will destroy him once he finds out what he is capable of.

If he doesn't do it, then I'll take him and take his power. I will have it once he is dead. Then I shall take over the marvelverse. I will kill all that works for Stark. Then I will kill him, and I will let him suffer at the fact he couldn't save his team.

He will have to think about how weak he is. How his best wasn't enough. He shall go down in vain.

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